A while back, I cut the anticipated word count for C down to 100,000. This was to speed up the pace, and to eliminate a surrealist second storyline that I’d originally envisioned, and that I disliked as I started working through it.
Decided today, with a third of the first draft finished, to do a math check to see what my daily word minimum needs to be to finish this in the proposed 29 days.
Currently, with 32,000 words finished out of the hundred thousad, and 29 days (including today) to go, (with no days off planned), I have 68,000 words to complete and will need to get 2345 words per day to wrap at length and on time.
If I can start hitting 3000 words per day, which I’ve had no luck doing most days, I’ll finish in 22 days, and could afford to take a few days off.
Goal for today: 34,152 or better.