New Hawkspar Sketches

Forgot to mention that I put up new Hawkspar background sketches, including some costuming stuff, over the holidays.

When I update the site, I really do need to remember to make note of it.

Incidentally, all the images are set to load into a single separate window. If you click them one at a time, you can see each in turn, and then only have to close that one window when you’re done.

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4 responses to “New Hawkspar Sketches”

  1. PJ Avatar

    Love the Sinalian Treasure Ship!

    🙂 And what an artist!

    Thanks for sharing them with us – and I hope we will get a chance to see some more.


  2. Bridget Avatar

    They’re beautiful. It must take you forever to do each one with such care and attention to detail. It’s the same care and attention to detail I can see in your maps of Matrin and Korre and Hyre — so inspiring. Thank you for sharing them so generously!

  3. Angelique Avatar

    Very cool sketches. Did you spend a lot of time researching the anatomy of ships in order to draw them in such detail?

  4. Nandini Avatar

    This is very loosely related to your post, but I thought I’d tell you I finally bought a hardcover of Talyn (and Last Girl Dancing and Midnight Rain with it).

    I started reading a library copy of Talyn when it first came out, and it hooked me so much that I read half the book in one sitting, literally without moving, right there in the library. I couldn’t read any furthur because I had to leave… I stopped at the point where Talyn creates the silver dancer, throws it in Skirmig’s face, and tries to run, only to be thwarted by him.

    And that’s the point at which I’ve been left dangling all this while – because I told myself I would finish this book when I owned my own copy. A couple of days back, I realised I’d saved up enough money to splurge on this (I’m still a pretty broke student.. :D) and I did the dance of jubilation all the way to the bookstore and back today. And finished reading the rest of the book in one sitting.

    May I just say: WHOA.

    Thank you for writing it. I’m going over to my blog to review it properly, which I will then put on Amazon etc. also.

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