New ads for affiliates, and an affiliate note

I’ve deleted the Affiliate Support Board—it was an endless irritant because spammers found it, joined, and left me clearing spam, while it turned out not to be terribly useful for affiliates. I’m not sure what sort of communication WOULD be good for affiliates. Basically, I need to be able to let you know when someone wins a monthly bonus and when we have new products, and you need to be able to let me know when you’re having problems getting your ads to work.

If you have any suggestions about keeping in touch regarding the affiliate program, I’d love to hear them. The affiliate program itself comes with a newsletter creator, which would be ideal except that even in my mailbox, the newsletters invariably come in marked as spam. Suggestions? Comments?

The following are our newest banner ads. The single-book ads come in the size shown and one that’s 120 px. wide. There are also simple text ads. The tower banner sends readers to the Writing section.

Follow this link if you’re already an affiliate and you want to pick up the new banners (or if you’re not an affiliate, but you’d like to be).

Affiliate ad for Vision: The Workshops Affiliate ad for Nonfiction
Affiliate ad for Create A Culture Clinic
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6 responses to “New ads for affiliates, and an affiliate note”

  1. Holly Avatar

    I have remarkable hosting and still a lot of space, though not so much spare bandwidth (though that can be expanded if necessary), am comfortable with PHP, and can put up just about anything I need.

    With that said, I want something low-maintenance. So I’ll probably attach a blog to this one, and make it “membership required to post” plus “I have to approve all memberships” in order to only permit members in. Then I’ll set it up so that members can also post. Group blog thing, you know.

  2. Jason Penney Avatar

    A good old fashioned email based announcement only mailing list would probably work. Chances are your web hosting offers something to do that.

  3. eitje Avatar

    what we need is some kind of social networking site. 🙂 😉

    just kidding. i don’t like the word “blog”, and i certainly don’t like “myspace”. it’s just too bad that the particular need you’re looking to fill fits into myspace’s offerings so well….


    as for the email thing, i guess that depends on what email programs you use. in thunderbird, for example, the bayesian filter can be given a “whitelist” in the form of your personal address book. so, you add the address the newsletter generator uses, and – voila – no longer identified as spam!

  4. Carlie Avatar

    I do like Rick’s blog idea. We can then add it to feed readers so we know when it is updated, etc. I’m not a big fan of Yahoo news groups

  5. Rick Avatar

    A separate, joint blog in which any registered affiliates can post?

  6. khazell1 Avatar

    Perhaps a yahoo newsgroup?

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