Never give a sick kid red Gatorade

‘Nuff said.

I’m not the only one sick. But I keep reminding myself that tomorrow, I get to sleep in.

I have more heavy-duty typing today than yesterday. The second half of Ruby Key is the section that has most of the new material, though I typed in about 11,000 new words yesterday. You won’t notice the extra until the WIP meter starts overflowing on the top bar. Since I’m typing in new material right now, that may take a while.

Cannot believe how tired I am. But, as Robin reminded me, yes, I have to kill myself on this, (Her exact words—Go kill yourself on this.) but it’s for a good cause.

Interesting woman, is Robin.

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9 responses to “Never give a sick kid red Gatorade”

  1. Inkblot Avatar

    Go Holly ๐Ÿ™‚

    You’re almost there. End in sight… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. WritingAngel Avatar

    11,000 words….in 1 day… wow.

    You kick that book’s ass!

  3. Zink Johnson Avatar
    Zink Johnson

    Never, ever use purple ketchup to make meatloaf. It doesn’t look right.

    Keep going, Holly, you’re doing great!

  4. Chassit Avatar

    Good God, Holly!! It’ll all be worth it! And you’ve got us all hyped up and ready to read it. Good luck!

  5. Holly Avatar

    I did about 46K of on-screen edit and type-in yesterday. Of that, 11K was new words added. That doesn’t include the ten-page handwritten scene I did to finish-up the write-in phase. I worked, with brief stretch breaks, from 9:30 AM to 10 PM yesterday. Today will probably be longer.

  6. crystallyn Avatar

    My husband suggested gatorade one morning after a hardcore birthday celebration…was purple and not a good idea. When we were kids my mom would make us jello when we were sick–but not chill it. We would drink the juice instead and it always helped. Plus it tasted good. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve not done that as an adult. Seems like too much work, I suppose.

    And yeah, 11k in one day!!! Was that editing or new writing? Pretty darn good regardless!

  7. shawna Avatar

    Or purple grape juice. I learned that the hard way… as a child.

    Sick kid + grape juice + ugly sage green couch = never, EVER, drinking grape juice again.

    It’ll be worth it! Hang in there. And oh, I bet that sleeping-in sounds good.

  8. IanT Avatar

    11k in a day? Crikey. Good going!

  9. LadyQ Avatar

    You’re almost there! Keep going. *cheers*

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