I ran over my planned words today (1250) because I got hooked by the scene and couldn’t make myself stop.
My MC got to spend some time with someone she’d thought was a hallucination, found out a bit more about how she’s surviving in a town where things keep trying to kill her…
And the best stuff is still to come.
I have, I think, about four more scenes to write to get this book done, which will but it at, best guess, about 95,000 – 97,000 words.
That’s a nice, meaty novel length.
And once that’s done, I’ll build the line-for-scene outline for Book Three.
I figure I should be working on that by next Friday (the 25th of February).
I love so much the way this is coming together. I wish I could be more specific. Wish I could give some snippets, maybe an early first-draft chapter or two like I used to.
But I can’t screw up my pseudonym by attaching myself to it. I have to give this series a legitimate chance of starting out fresh, with a brand new author name and no publishing history at all.
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