My newsletter introducing the workshop I’m teaching for [LINK CORRECTED] started like this:
In the midst of my current insane seventy-hour-a-week work schedule, I got this crazy question.
It was “How would you like to do a free writing workshop for our
site?”Now, in most cases, the answer to the question “How would you like to add about 70 to 100 more hours to your workload and not get paid for it?” would be “Not very much!”
In this case, though, I found two reasons that made me say yes…
And on my writing diary while making the same announcement, I said:
Iโm not an affiliate of Iโm not making a dime from the workshop, nor will I receive any payment for recommending the site.
Iโm doing this because I think it will be fun, and interesting, and challenging, and because it will let me meet some new folks.
And then Sharon, my primary liaison for the workshop, sent me a happy e-mail about how many people had signed up (231 the last I heard), and she told me I’d be getting some money.
To which I said, “I honestly didn’t know I was supposed to get any sort of compensation. The long e-mail I sent out and my blog post both made it clear that I WASN’T being compensated.
“So as nice as the money would be, I’ll have to turn it down. Use it for something cool. :D”
Her idea of cool was, why don’t I give it to ten of you as paid memberships for one year to
And I agreed that would be pretty cool.
If you’d like to win a year’s membership to, just post here. Let me know the MOST USEFUL THING you’ve learned from my website, this weblog, or any of my courses.
That’s it. If you do that, you’re eligible in the drawing.
I’ll do the drawings NEXT WEDNESDAY (FEBRUARY 24th), which will give folks a LITTLE time to reply, and winners enough time to attend some of the workshops this year.
I’ll announce the winners on this writing diary.
[A NOTE: I am reading these entries. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. If you attempt to use this contest to claim that I recommended a product I have never even heard of, I will delete your entry and block you from the site. I don’t tolerate spam. I have deleted one entry so far.]
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