My MC is in big trouble, and so is a beloved friend — 1268 words, and nice progress

Today’s scene and situation were both really good ways to end my writing week.

I have a cliffhanger scene, a cliffhanger situation, absolutely no clue what’s going to happen when I come back in on Monday — 

And that’s a good thing. This stuff gets to percolate all weekend while I take down-time, play No Man’s Sky, read fiction, and specifically don’t think about the story. 

The gigantic scene I wrote previously that had to go all the way to the back third of Book 4 is a consequence of what I’m writing now.

I know only one connecting point between the two scenes — but it’s big, and it’s a really mean twist that I’ve known was coming since Book One.

It will be resolved in this novel. The trouble its resolution spawns, however, is going to carry me all the way to the end of Book Five.

So — this is a really good place to leave myself as I go kick back for a couple days and let myself relax.

I’m looking forward to the weekend, and to letting this stuff all bake slowly in the background.

1268 words of 1250 planned — still a little behind on what Scrivener says I need to hit my deadline of October 29th — but in first draft (when writing indie) all deadlines are flexible. Not VERY flexible, of course. I have long-term objectives I want to hit.

But I can play with a few days either way.

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