Mostly ‘Cause Tomorrow’s My Birthday

I could have worked tonight. But I decided since tomorrow is my birthday to stay up late with my guys, watch the conclusion of “Life on Mars,” play Fable II, knit a pair of socks, and just have a good time.

No words. No words tomorrow, though I’ll put up a post. No words Friday. And no words Saturday.

I have birthday stuff planned with my family, and since I’m going to be 49 (and the next one is {shudder} 50) I decided today that I deserved to have fun and celebrate, not work.

I hope you get wonderful words. I’ll have a post up for you every day.

Think of me. Have fun. I’ll see you again Sunday night.

(Will still be doing customer service for Think Sideways students all week. I’m not taking time off from that.)

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42 responses to “Mostly ‘Cause Tomorrow’s My Birthday”

  1. S Kenshin Avatar
    S Kenshin

    Happy burfdae from a fellow sock knitter.

    Your latest tip, Create a History of Success, describes my entire LIFE. Not just my writing life.


    No wonder I get burnt out.

  2. Gabby Avatar

    Well I have wasted the day. I got 167 words but they are completely not right. Rather than taking the time to figure out what was wrong/how to fix it, I filled my time with other things. Such a waste. I could be past this scene but now it’s hanging over my head, taunting and making faces at my inner editor. Hopefully I can pull myself out of this scene (…or at least forward…) tomorrow.

  3. Clare K. R. Miller Avatar

    700 words exactly last night! Not sure how I managed that. They argued a little about the plan, but everyone’s down with it now. Sort of.

  4. SCBrazil Avatar

    382 for me. I took a few days off to decide where my plot was going from here. I have it now but doubts about the plot seeped through into the story’s value, character’s worth, writer’s ability and then into existence itself.
    Don’t get it right, get it written.
    My good news is that I was offered a job today. I will be spending the (southern hemisphere) summer working in a hotel on a beautiful, private, tropical island.
    Feliz aniversario, Holly – Portuguese for Happy Birthday. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

  5. Don Avatar

    Did 496 today things are going very well have three days off next week hope to get with in striking distance of 50,000 a week from tomorrow. Again happy B-Day.

  6. Holly Avatar

    Happy Birthday!

    With 10 years on you, I can only recommend that you grab each year and live it to the fullest.

    Slowing down? Wrinkles? Grey in the hair?

    Isn’t it so much better than the alternative?

  7. Sandy Jensen Avatar

    I agree; 49 is fabulous. So is 59, which is where I am, looking 60 in its slavering jowls, as you fantasy people like to say. Or is that the vampire people? I forget. The years race by, which is why writing has to happen NOW. 368 words for me today. I love the way I’m (read Wonderful One Within!) ready each morning with a topic and a chunk I know needs to be written, and I don’t hesitate–I just wade right into it.
    You have meant a lot to me this year, Holly. You’ve shared your mind and heart with me. You’ve given so many gifts; I feel overwhelmed with resources and blessings. I can’t believe I don’t even know what state you live in. Or is it…wait…Georgia?
    I wish I could have you here in Eugene at a long table lit with candlelight and laughter, introducing you to all my best friends and family.
    You give of yourself so completely–I can only aspire to the leadership you show in such concrete, detailed and innovative ways.
    I may only be one of your 1000 fans, but I’m standing up and cheering for you on your birthday!

  8. Elise Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Holly!

    Ah, yes, 49… I remember it well. 50 didn’t bother me at all. For me the depressing birthdays were 30 and 60. I’ve already decided that I will NOT let 90 bother me the same way. LOL

    708 words for me yesterday and I finished the scene where two of my suspects learn that my heroine has a Taser, the weapon that is used to kill murder victim number 2. (Yes, Tasers can be deadly, especially if there’s some underlying medical condition.)

    On to work on my HtTS lesson for this week and try to puzzle out which sentence I’ll work on and whether or not I’ll do NaNo this year.


  9. Peggy Avatar

    676 on Wednesday, a small scene that needed to be there for pacing and tension purposes.

    Tomorrow, Savvy finds out that she doesn’t have what she thought she did.

  10. Tami Avatar

    Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy the celebrations and return to your writing refreshed and happy.

    I read the Ruby Key the other day. MUCH enjoyment – I love the nods to traditional fairy tale structures, and I absolutely fell in love with the world and societies created. It may be a drop in a bucket, but thank you so much for sharing your stories with us!

    Yesterday was about 900 words for Blue Moon. Kaya wakes to a certainty that there is something very wrong about this too-perfect hotel, but a demon convinces her to stay. She takes a deep breath and prepares to go downstairs to beg for a job.

  11. Sara Avatar

    Hey cool! We have the same birthday! Yeah for October 8th!!!!!

    Happy Birthday!

  12. Khena Avatar

    Happy Birthday =)

    No words for me, though I fully intended to write them. I loaded up my WIP and then checked this, then made a horrible mistake. I went to the NaNo forums. And wasted 2 hours.

    *slaps self… repeatedly*

  13. Faith Avatar

    Happy Birthday! πŸ™‚ And… yay, Fable II! An excellent way to spend an evening.

  14. HannaBelle Avatar

    49 is the new 35, you are good to go for many years. I am glad to be hitting these numbers in a time that will be remembered that we re-defined aging. Happy Birthday, Holly.

    No words yesterday. Started H2TS and am loving it.

  15. EJ Avatar

    Happy birthday, Holly! My younger friends assure me that age is just a number. Whether they’re right or condescending, it beats the alternative!

  16. Shoggoth Avatar

    Happy birthday, Holly!

  17. Larkk Avatar

    533 words, and almost late for work. Lose track time when I’m writing:)

    *And happy, happy birthday, Holly!*

  18. Jeff Avatar

    Happy Birthday Holly!!!
    Just think if you lived in Europe you’d already be 50. Most countries across the pond say the day you are born you are one year old or that you are “in your first year”. So age is not only a number and relative to how you feel, but geographically relative too.
    Have a good time!!!
    Live Well, Love Well

    no new words… hit a snag and definitely don’t like the direction the story is going. So time to go back with a fine tooth comb and cut everything that take it there. But its better then the EDJ (evil day job).

  19. KQ Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Holly! I have an October birthday, too. In my opinion, simply the best month for birthdays!

    1478 words to report.

  20. Charlene Teglia Avatar

    Happy Birthday! Have fun.

  21. Clare Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Holly πŸ™‚

    Got 880 words on Wednesday, not as good as the two previous days, but over my self-imposed target of 800 words per day.

    I’ve started to put the first inconsistencies in place, which one of the MCs has picked on. I also made the same MC make a decision, which will have bad repercussions later and leave him feeling fairly guilt ridden. Good words πŸ™‚

  22. Greg Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Holly.
    D&D: 547 and a race to prevent a community falling apart.
    OFL: 1048 and pre-empting the demise of the MC’s dreams.
    RFW: 1017 and people forced to flee their homes.

  23. Margaret Avatar

    Since it’s tomorrow already where you are, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great day, Holly :).

  24. Gracie O'Neil Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Holly!

    If a woman is strong enough to survive turning 40 (I’m talking emotional survival here) then turning 50 is a piece of cake. And I can tell you that from personal experience.
    In the meantime, you have a whole year to dance through before you really hit your zone! May it be a real blessing, and bring you some of those heart’s desires you never thought would happen.


  25. Rohi Shetty Avatar

    Hi Holly,
    Many happy returns of the day.
    You seem to be getting younger so no worries there.
    Thanks for inspiriring all of us.
    Your life is a radiant example of hard work, honesty, honor and humor.
    Much metta,

    My life is my message. –Mahatma Gandhi

  26. Treelight Avatar

    Jheyrien got the hint he needed literally flung into his face, with 256 words.

    Not much, but I, too, have to deal with birthday-activities in the next few days and was busier than I had expected with the remaining preparations.
    I guess I won’t be able to sit down and write much, too. But perhaps a little break is for the better, since I’m having more and more trouble to continue at the moment.
    I know what has to happen, but I don’t know yet how and any other details.

    Just in case I don’t get online tomorrow … Happy Birthday, Holly!

  27. laurel Avatar

    Happy Solar Return, the most auspicious time for wishes, journey well.


  28. The Pencil Neck Avatar
    The Pencil Neck

    Happy Birthday, Holly! πŸ™‚

    0 words the past few days.

    My brother in law died last week almost exactly 11.5 months after his truck being crushed by an 18-wheeler that had crossed over into oncoming traffic. One other driver was killed instantly. My teenaged nephew and my BIL’s twenty something nephew were in another truck that was also in the accident. After several surgeries, they’re both fine. Unfortunately, Danny was never able to regain feeling or control of his limbs and he had infection after infection.

    Monday night was the Memorial. It was beautiful and really stayed true to who Danny was: a bow hunting, Jack Daniel’s drinking, Skoal dipping, Harley riding, welder who lived in the same house for his entire life (his parents moved out and left the house to him and my sister when they got married). At the end, they played a couple of his favorite songs including Gimme Back My Bullets by Lynyrd Skynyrd while they showed a montage of pictures from his life.

    It was hard to see the pictures of him wasting away in the hospital bed. He didn’t even look like the same guy.

    Anyway, my sister’s holding up surprisingly well and so are their two kids. I think they’d been preparing for this for 11.5 months.

    Sorry. That’s probably more than I should have shared. I should be back writing tomorrow.

    1. Larkk Avatar

      I offer my sympathies for your loss.
      And hope that you may find some solace in your writing…

    2. Gabby Avatar

      This must have been so difficult for you and your family. I’m so sorry for your loss! (I wish so much that these things didn’t happen).

    3. Ieva Avatar

      I’m so sorry for your and your family’s loss.
      (But your brother-in-law sounds like somebody who has lived a fulfilled life and left profound impact on others. At the end of all days, that’s what matters.)

    4. The Pencil Neck Avatar
      The Pencil Neck

      Thanks, everyone.

    5. Debora Avatar

      Terribly sorry.

      I am glad the Memorial was beautiful.

  29. djmills Avatar

    Many happy thoughts for you. Enjoy your day off, and don’t worry. Life just keeps getting better the older you get. πŸ™‚

  30. Teri Avatar

    Happy birthday, Holly!

    Another day when I didn’t really want to write, but this time I ended up with 500 words exactly, finishing the scene and starting the next one. Taskh’s arguments swayed the company commander, and he’s been sent to meet the approaching rebel army and tell the general what’s going on. Since his employer is planning a surprise attack the rebels as they arrive late and after a long march, I’m not sure what Taskh is going to tell the rebels to be sure that the quick skirmish and capture his employer has planned turns into the first battle of a civil war.

  31. Leah Avatar

    622, and my heroine is coming to her internal headway. It is make or break time. It’s now or never. It’s time to choose how she will be from now on.

  32. Edward Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Holly! I can’t thank you enough for how much inspiration and help you’ve been to me for the past couple of years ever since I stumbled across your site. I’ve got Talyn checked out from the library, and it’s sitting above my bed waiting to be read (all this other college reading is being a bother, though).

    I’m also trying out your index card, line-for-scene method, and it is working fairly well right now, although I can’t wait until November when I can launch back into writing a draft and play along with Write a Book With Me.

    Thanks again, and I hope you have a spectacular day!

  33. Patricia Avatar

    1,547 words today, with a glimpse of Ryan in his childhood, all blonde and blue-eyed, the picture of innocence… πŸ˜€ A look into the past was fun, and I discovered more about his history and his parent’s influence on him, as well as a good, hard look at his current beliefs. Now I’m curious to know what made him who he is, but that will have to wait for later since he’s trying to save the wounded vampyre. The poor kid is afraid of dying, and after discovering what the afterlife is like for these creatures, I don’t blame him.

  34. Ieva Avatar

    Happy birthday! πŸ™‚ And you should shudder, since ~50 is, as far as I’ve noticed, one of the best, most exciting times for creative women. A great time full of exploration and ventures into unknown.

    For me, 1000+ words and still that darned trembling crybaby state. If it weren’t for the writing, I’d be an emotional wreck right now. Now, I’m having my chin above the water.

    1. Gabby Avatar

      I’m sorry to hear that, Ieva. Please take care of yourself. Sometimes I also notice that writing really seems to shift my whole mood. When I write, I find the good, happy glow lasts for quite awhile. It’s like the one thing that no one can take away from me.

  35. TimK Avatar

    Wow, Holly. Is it that time of year again already? Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day. And please don’t feel bad about getting older. Life gets better as you get older! Enjoy! πŸ™‚


  36. Michelle Avatar

    Happy Birthday!!!! A Sony Reader, not too shabby. I’m quite jealous.

    338 for me today. Hope everyone’s having a great week!

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