More On the Midnight Rain Sale

Okay, I know a little more now. The manuscript for Midnight Rain will be due April 15, 2004. Probably will be on the schedule in 2005, but I don’t know exactly when yet and won’t for a while. Contracts are on the way, which is very, very fast.

So. My writing schedule looks like this. 135,000 more words on Talyn by Nov. 15, revise from Nov. 15-December 13, print on Dec. 14, mail on the 14th or 15th. Take off until Jan. 1. Start the revisions of Midnight Rain then, hand in a segment of around 70-100 pages by Feb. 1st, hand in the completed novel by April 15th. (I’m hoping to do this part of the schedule faster, frankly.)

Gods Old and Dark should land on the shelves right around then, so that will be my new book in 2004.

Then, as soon as Midnight Rain is in the mail, I’ll start on Tor II. Have to conceive, outline, and write 250,000 words on that one by Nov. 15, 2004, and have the final draft mailed in by Dec. 15, 2004. Take off until Jan. 1st, 2005. Start in on Mainstream II, which I’ve just contracted, with a submittable draft due by, I think, June 2005.

Steady work. I’m really excited about this.

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5 responses to “More On the Midnight Rain Sale”

  1. Joela Avatar

    Coolness (though the workload will be incredible!)

    What’s "Tor II"?

  2. Linda Avatar

    It’s so good to see you getting steady work in your beloved career. Congratulations!

  3. BJ Steeves Avatar
    BJ Steeves

    With the rough times behind you, it certainly looks like you will be on the upside of things for quite a while. That’s got to be quite a relief.

    I can’t wait to read them all when they hit the shelves. Great Work!

  4. Jim Woosley Avatar
    Jim Woosley

    Things are looking up. A busy, busy time ahead.

    We’re rootin’ for you!

    Gimme an H!
    Gimme an O!
    Gimme an L L Y!
    What does that spell?

    Someone who has correctly found the way FORWARD!

  5. Ann Avatar

    Wow, that’s what… almost two years of steady contracted work? That’s great, Holly! I’m glad things are working so well.

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