Month Six Movie Done. Live. And Here

I have made the full versions of the How To Think Sideways movies for Month One, Two, Four, Five, and Six publicly available. Month Three is a private discussion between me and my students, and will not be made available. The rest, however, you can now post to your website, download to your iPod, or recommend to friends. If you want to do this, this is the link to my Holly Lisle On Writing show page.

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2 responses to “Month Six Movie Done. Live. And Here”

  1. Katze Avatar


    I managed most of the first draft of my novel (the HtTS- and NaNo-project with the working title “Thicker Than Water) and thanks to this course it was so much easier than the NaNo last year. I am looking forward to finish the scenes I simply outlined and I am truly eager to try Holly’s rewriting method (I still have a historical novel as well that awaits its revision). So this lesson comes at the right time although I think I will only get into things properly after x-mas. After all, I owe the kids a month of compensation (for letting me write all of November).

    Thanks for your course, Holly.

  2. tambo Avatar

    Thanks Holly!

    Is I near the end of an exhausting first draft, I needed to hear this.

    Thank you!

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