Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

My wish for you, however you celebrate this season, is time spent with people you love and friends who love you; with good food, good conversation, and good memories. And if that’s not possible, then that you have the joy of each breath, the warmth of contentment, and the knowledge that you matter.

I’ll be back a little before the New Year. In the meantime, be well, and thank you for sharing this past year with me.

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17 responses to “Merry Christmas”

  1. Gabriele Avatar

    Merry Christmas and all the best wishes for 2008 to you and your family.

  2. Kaelem Avatar

    Merry Christmas Holly!

    Small aside — I received Talyn as a present this year (which was phenomenal!!!). Now I’m already going a little nuts waiting for Hawkspar!

  3. Jess Avatar

    Merry Christmas, Holly! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Tech Avatar

    Merry, merry Christmas!

  5. TinaK Avatar

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family Holly.

  6. BJSteeves Avatar

    Holly, may you and your family have a great holiday!

  7. TimK Avatar

    Merry Christmas, Holly! Indeed, spending time with people you love is the most important part of the holidays.


  8. JeriT Avatar

    Enjoy your holidays, Holly.

  9. TJ Avatar

    Have a good holiday, Holly.

  10. Holly Avatar

    My big wish was that my older son could come home from Iraq for Christmas. But I’ll get to visit with my daughter, whom I haven’t seen since early this year.

    I’m looking forward to the holidays, and enjoying my time off.

  11. Holly Avatar

    Raya–You’ll need to subscribe to receive the newsletter. You do this by typing your e-mail address into the yellow box at the top left of this page.

    You’ll receive an opt-in email that requires you to click a link to confirm that you actually want the newsletter, and that someone else didn’t just sign you up.

    I’ve made the archives public, so you can read them here: Holly Lisle’s Writing Updates. Because they’re public, I’m having to send unarchived messages when I’m offering members-only goodies, so this is the last time the archives will ever be complete. But you’ll be able to see what list members get from the current archives.

  12. BookLover Avatar

    Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones for the holidays and the New Year, Holly. Thank you for all the wonderful memories I have of reading your books this past year, and looking forward to new ones in 2008.

  13. unxplaindfires Avatar

    Hey Holly,
    Been a few centuries, or at least it feels like it. I haven’t had a chance to be online in some time. Hope you and yours have a good Holiday.

  14. RayaPenName Avatar

    I’m not sure how i get the news letter, does it come via e-mail. If so I haven’t received it. Also, I was wondering if I could look at back issues so that I could read your answer to the question I asked you before.

  15. Chassit Avatar

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Holly. I hoep you have a great Christmas and I hope you have a great New Year.

  16. Lexy Avatar

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Holly. Have a wonderful time and a fantastic New Year ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. LadyQ Avatar

    Merry Christmas, Holly. ๐Ÿ™‚

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