Math, math bedamned

The second half of last week went kablooey, and I ended up dealing with the sort of crud you hope never to have to deal with. So today, today, I start the income tax stuff. And everything gets pushed back five days. Well, three. I wasn’t planning on working the weekend, so I guess I can’t count those two days.


On the bright side… talked with both Air Force kid and Indie Filmmaker kid over the weekend, and my peeps love me. If those things are true, how bad can anything else be?

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4 responses to “Math, math bedamned”

  1. Jim Avatar

    I’ve had an accountant do the taxes ever since Jann died (there are important considerations of tax law when a spouse suddenly departs). Unfortunately, for some reason this year she cancelled our “get started meeting,” sent one follow-up e-mail two days later to reschedule, and I haven’t heard from her since. That was four weeks ago (the day of the bad weather).

    I bought H&R Block over the weekend and set it up last night. Hope to finish entering everything sometime this evening.


  2. TinaK Avatar

    Taxes suck! Hang in there. The quicker you get it done the quicker you get to do fun stuff.

  3. RyanDahl86 Avatar

    Ooooh 1/6th? That sucks in the worst way. Keep goin soldier, you can do it! 🙂

  4. Holly Avatar

    Grumble, grumble. I estimate I’m 1/6th of the way done. Bored out of my skull.

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