Marketing Tuesday got pre-empted by my need to finish the HTWAN Student-Voted Bonus, Interweaving Multiple Story Threads in Big, Complex Novels.
Which still isn’t done. Today’s image is a screenshot of one of the pages showing the technique for building and then using the threads in a complex novel.
At the speed this is going, it’s going to take me at least another week, and possibly two to finish this bonus.
So everything else I’d planned today got done, but that was small stuff.
I did not get to start the HTWAN Surprise Bonus, How to Turn a Stand-Alone Novel Into a Series. That’s still pending.
Why did I decide to throw in this bonus as an unasked for, unpromised extra?
- Because it fits the class.
- Because it’s one of the most important skills you’ll need to have if you go commercial.
- Because it’s even more important if you go indie.
- And because it is ridiculously fun.
This will not teach you how to write the series. That’s a BIG class, and it already exists.
But it will teach you how to find the series you DID NOT know was there found inside most novels — and will also show you how to know when a novel should NOT be made into a series.
OH… Yesterday I got nine chapters of Read-Through Assessment done on my novel Dead Man’s Party. So yesterday was a pretty good day. Long. But good.
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