I focused on character development in TalysMana tonight, since I was actually giving Will Grey his first real time onstage.
Kettan ended up with a few good moments, too. I’m still not to the big bang for the scene, when Will finds out what Kettan’s been up to.
But he’s going to be smart getting there…and that part of the scene, which I’ll hit tomorrow night, will be a lot of fun.
It’s important to keep asking yourself, “Why would he do that?” about any character while you’re writing him. Your characters with make a lot more sense to the reader and your story if you keep that one question in mind every time you get ready to have a character do something. Saved Kettan from a moment of deep stupitude by asking that just before she was ready to answer a question Will asked her.
For tonight, I got 517 words I like. I’ll take that.
Am a couple thousand words now into Lesson 13 of How To Revise Your Novel. Am dealing with all the issues of revising and tracking conflict that come up as you’re in the process of hacking your first draft to pieces.
This is one of those area’s that can be tricky to work through, and require a lot of effort to get right.
I want to make sure I cover all the possible problems AND the solutions.
It’s an interesting writing night.
How are your words coming?
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