Looking for big WARPAINT numbers today #WABWM

9:58 AM

Was up until about 3 AM working on “related stuff” for the WARPAINT launch.

Back in the seat this morning, going to see how much of the type-in I can get through. I’m still in the middle section where I essentially threw out one out of every two pages, and wrote one or two new ones in their places.

My goal today is simple. I’m on Page 118 of the manuscript. I want to be on page 218 when put the computer to sleep.

If you’re weekending with me, onward.

Let’s kick some ass. :mrgreen:

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10 responses to “Looking for big WARPAINT numbers today #WABWM”

  1. KenB Avatar

    I’ve never been one for massive daily word counts, but the pages I do, I do well – at least better when compared to a year ago so I suppose that is good. One page today, none yesterday, but got 2 -3 day before. Chapter 3 and 4 taking shape. At the same time, I keep telling myself… need more word count, but when I try to force it, everything dries up. So on that note, I stopped fighting it. I get what I get, and even if its a paragraph… Progress is progress.

    1. Holly Avatar

      That’s actually the point of Write A Book With Me. It’s not ABOUT big numbers. It’s about being consistent.

      Here’s the link to the rules, such as they are:

      If you’re steady with a page a day, that’s a full-length book a year.

  2. Kirsten Avatar

    I’m back. And with a vengeance!
    4682 words today, after flailing and searching for the tail end of my NaNoWriMo story for far too long. Finally, after being clobbered over the head with what happens next-and why I am terrified to write it-while out on a walk, I sat in my car and wrote the remaining scenes into my notebook .
    They’re all lined up in Scrivener now, twenty lovely scenes that will take me to the end of the novel, and hopefully to NaNoWriMo victory!

    Total words to date (and keep in mind we’re talking literary abandon here 😉 ) 30,926. Can you see me grinning?

    1. Jen of Hens Avatar
      Jen of Hens

      Woo hoo for literary abandon!

      Funny you mentioned being terrified of what happens next and being afraid to write it – I, too, have had that happen (and have worked through some of it). Writing is such a “novel” experience….

      OK – I haven’t had my first cuppa yet. Sorry ’bout the punny.

  3. Jen of Hens Avatar
    Jen of Hens

    Ah Holly – sorry about the migraine. Ugh.

    Got in 3291 words today for a Nano total of 22,327. So I met my goal. The current scene may make me write it a little bit more as it seems to be flowing.

    Ieva – kudos on the word count, keep kickin’ it out!
    Vanna – good luck with comments and type-in – I aspire to be there one day.

    1. Ieva Avatar

      Thank you for encouragement! I did my 2K, within minutes before midnight 🙂

  4. Ieva Avatar

    Posting here as a way of self-motivation. Haven’t written a single word for NaNoWriMo and I have two hours of today left, so…. even though my wordcount of 22K is decent now, I still would want to get some writing done. At least 1K, preferrably 2.

  5. Jen of Hens Avatar
    Jen of Hens

    I’m weekending right along with you. Trying to hit the 22,000 word mark today for Nano. Got to make up for a little lost time from yesterday. 1295 down, 1650 to go.

    Kickin’ ass and anything else that gets in the way.

  6. Vanna Smythe Avatar

    I’m officially joining #WABWM 😉 I’m starting with the last read through of my novel to note down what needs fixing, collecting my betareaders’ comments and then the write-in…. Good luck to you on reaching your goal today!

    1. Holly Avatar


      Me? I’m getting kicked to the curb by WAY more type-in of completely replaced pages than I remembered in this section.

      To give you an idea, I’m up to page 139 on the manuscript, and have developed a migraine. So that I might live to fight tomorrow, I’m knocking off for now. Will come at this again later tonight if I can get my head to calm down.

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