Looking at a delay in the publication of WARPAINT #WABWM

7:51 AM

Have actually been working for a while, so my start time was probably 7:30 AM.

I have, in theory, 18 pages left on the write-in. Theory, however, ignores the fact that I realize I dropped two threads, and I’m going to have to write a couple of scenelets, or interstitials, or maybe even a full-length scene, to deal with both of them. Or worse, each of them.

In theory, I still have today and tomorrow to do my write-in to hit my Nov. 20 deadline.

In fact, I added a LOT of new material to the story, and type-in is probably going to take more than three days, even though I already have a hundred pages of it finished.

And I don’t have the WARPAINT song recorded or the video made.

So at this point, I’m almost certainly looking at a November 27 release, rather than a November 20 release. And even that is starting to feel pretty tight.


If you’re playing Write A Book With Me, kick ass on the words, and write with joy.

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6 responses to “Looking at a delay in the publication of WARPAINT #WABWM”

  1. Aynslie Hanna Avatar
    Aynslie Hanna

    I’m just happy that you’re able to write what you want and love every day. When it’s finished and ready to be published, all who have been eagerly following your process and looking forward to its completion will be ready to read it. With joy!

    1. Holly Avatar

      Thanks. I get frustrated, and I need to remember that, in comparison with many revisions I’ve done, this one has been smooth, simple, and straightforward.

  2. Jen of Hens Avatar
    Jen of Hens

    2245 words today, mostly character development and dialog following your “Writing How Tos”. Thank you for these! I’m finally getting somewhere with both my characters and my scenes now that I know how three of the key characters will interact.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Good place to be, Jen. Congrats.

  3. Ieva Avatar

    I say get the work done well, it’s worth the wait. In the end, it’s the quality people care about, not the perfect timing. That, and the fact that no animals and authors were hurt during the production of the book. 🙂


    *I haven’t been posting in this thread, and I am not done with my today’s 3K goal on NaNoWriMo yet, and in my case it’s the speed, not the quality that matters, so… ok, time to stop procrastinating and get some more words done!

    1. Holly Avatar

      Cheers and good wishes on the words.

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