The revision requests for LAST GIRL DANCING landed on my stoop late yesterday, and I opened them and read them with trepidation — it being my usual experience that revision requests the editor identifies beforehand as "light" will in fact be exactly as much work as revision requests billed beforehand as "heavy."
This time (though I’m terrified to jinx myself by saying this) they look as light as Claire said they’d be. There was no one incisive, brilliant, but unfortunately crushing question in there that would require both a complete rethink and a complete rewrite of the entire book. I have some word choice questions to answer, a couple of consistency issues, and one chapter (about thirty manuscript pages) that is going to have to be tossed and completely rewritten — but it’s a cut-out. That is, it can be done in such a way that the material both before and after it can be left essentially unmodified.
I’m hugely, vastly, enormously relieved, because this is a revision I’ll be able to do well after writing three thousand words on another book first each day. And still have done by the requested turn-in date.
Up at 3:30 AM a-freakin’-gain this morning, watched BRUCE ALMIGHTY with my guys, who were also up. It’s my favorite kind of movie — it manages to mix humor with a story that is at times moving, and that offers something that sticks with you after you quit watching it. Not the best movie of its sort, but pretty good.