I’ve added some new help for the both readers and writers who use my site, in the form of Kate Wordly, Bot Gofer.
At the moment she doesn’t know a great deal, but as you ask her questions (and I answer them), she’ll become very helpful to both of us.
She’s not an AI. She’s simply a way for you to ask me questions directly on the site. If she knows the answer (which she’ll only know once I tell her), she’ll point you to to the right page.
If she doesn’t know the answer, ask her in a few different ways to make sure you’ve covered possible different wordings. If nothing helpful comes up, please be patient.
I’ll find the questions she’s asked on the next following weekday, and create answers.
I’m hoping to make her a fun, 24-hour-a-day resource for you.
Added later…
Interestingly, Kate doesn’t work on blog pages. I guess because you can post replies on them. So if you want to try this out, go to any book or article or about pages and ask her a question. Or just go here: Ask Kate a question about my books, or about writing.
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