Just finished the first draft of Gods Old and Dark

On time, if a bit under budget. I’m going to have to add some significant chunks to the manuscript to bring the first part up to speed with the ending — but I finally found the ending I love.

Hated having to kill off one of my favorite characters, of course. I hadn’t planned on doing it, and just realized this morning this particular character’s death was the final piece in the puzzle. The ending worked, and I think Gods Old and Dark is going to work, too. So I’ll print the thing off in manuscript form today, and start into revisions tomorrow. And even though I got a few weeks extension on my deadline, I might not need it.

Today was a GOOD writing day.

I’m going to stay mostly off the site at least until the book is done and in the mail to my editor. But I’m feeling better, though still sleeping way too much. Things are looking up.

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4 responses to “Just finished the first draft of Gods Old and Dark”

  1. Rob Avatar

    Sleep as much as you want. Sleep some for me while you’re at it. I’m not getting nearly as much as I’d like.

    Congrats! Hope things keep getting better.

  2. Jon Avatar

    Congrats, Holly! Must be a relief…

  3. David Stone Avatar
    David Stone

    Glad to hear the books going well and things are sorting themselves out for you.

    Don’t knock the sleeping – it probably means that you need it.


  4. Catherine Driscoll Avatar
    Catherine Driscoll

    Yay Holly – Congrats on your first draft! Glad it came together as you hoped.

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