Just discovered the actual genre for Cadence Drake… derp!




Real genre, I write it, I have been writing it since the late nineties… <le sigh>

So how exactly did I miss this?

How did I not realize this was a thing that those of us who love science and genetics and SF and fantasy were writing?

That would be the Epic Fail.

Thanks, guys. You are helping me beyond words, and I’m gonna write you a kickass story as thanks.

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9 responses to “Just discovered the actual genre for Cadence Drake… derp!”

  1. GretavdR Avatar

    Is that really a thing? Who’da guessed? But it fits Cady perfectly.

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      Not so much… It’s what Cady IS… but figuring out who reads that and doesn’t know it is not easy.

      She’s sort of … urban fantasy in space in the far future.

  2. Sylvia Avatar

    Fits perfectly. I’ve never heard it either, but it sounds like Cady. I’ll have to remember to put it down as one of my favorite genres when the question is asked! Glad you found it.

  3. dragon Avatar

    Biopunk … interesting. Not something I’d even considered, but will now keep it in mind when browsing. Given some of the things I watch and read in the manga/anime area, this makes sense. Response to Reziac: isn’t most fiction an alternate reality?

  4. Diane Berry Avatar
    Diane Berry

    I hadn’t heard the name, but I must be a fan of the genre, since I love the Cadence Drake books! Thanks for the new search term for Kindle.

  5. BJ Steeves Avatar
    BJ Steeves

    Really??? Just what is “biopunk”??? I have never heard of it!

    I love what you write and how you write it.

  6. Stephanie Avatar

    Huh. Didn’t know that was a thing. Cady totally fits that genre, but I don’t think you’ll find it as a choice on a vendor/distributor. (Been awhile since I’ve uploaded a book to publish but last time I did… that subgenre wasn’t anywhere in sight…) Having the definition nailed down should help find the right people though.

  7. Deb Avatar

    Gosh yes! Didn’t even know that was a thing but it fits Cady exactly and encompasses everything I love about that series. It also helps me understand why I love other series (books and TV) that I couldn’t quite attach genres to. Mega thanks, and very happy you’ve found your genre home.

  8. Reziac Avatar

    Geez yes, why didn’t this come into anyone’s head? Must be cuz it’s fiction from an alternate reality. 😀

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