Jim Baen has had a stroke

Verified through several sources now, Jim Baen, the publisher of Baen Books, suffered a stroke on Monday of this week and has remained in a coma since.

Jim was my first publisher, and someone I adored, enjoyed, and liked working with. Though our association cooled quite a few years ago (on his part, not mine), he remains someone I admire and to whom I am deeply grateful.

If you pray, please put him in your prayers. If you light candles or in other ways move the quantum forces around, please do that. He’s a good man, and I wish him a full recovery.

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3 responses to “Jim Baen has had a stroke”

  1. PJ Avatar

    Jim and his family are in our thoughts, as well.

  2. Rick Avatar

    He is in my thoughts.

  3. BJSteeves Avatar

    I will keep Jim and his family in my prayers.

    Please keep us posted on any changes.

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