I got good words. 997, to be exact. And I love what I got today.
But some of what I wrote was pulled out of my real life, and part of it was me getting to do in fiction something I never had the opportunity to do in real life, because my real childhood was a never-ending series of ill-considered and poorly thought-out moves into bad places and worse places, with no consideration — EVER — for the people those dumb-and-dumber moves left behind.
I wrote today the scene I would have given anything to live through in real life, and writing it helped.
It also happens to be a really solid scene right before TSGD (The Shit Goes Down)… which is what I get to write tomorrow.
So not only am I happy with what I got today, but I’m really excited about tomorrow.
Now, though, on to all the other work that must be done.
I’ve been working on the same part of the book for three days, and had not noticed (until I read my own blog posts for these last three days, that I have, in fact, made myself cry three damn days in a row.
Here’s the bright news on that. These are in general, pretty funny books.
There is just this one little section here where I gave my hero some bits of my own childhood in her past (heavily altered), and threw in one person in my life who meant the world to me. And she and that one special person got to do the one thing I never did. Which is why there were tears.
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