When your fingers are moving so fast you can’t quite keep up with them, because you cannot wait to see what’s going to happen next, that could be described as a GREAT writing day.
That was today. And holy crap, I love what I got.
I was MEAN today.
Bad things happened to a character I love — and I don’t know EXACTLY what’s happened to her yet, but I’m hoping I’ll get to find out at least some of it tomorrow.
This was not pantsing, by the way. This was part of my carefully built line-for-scene outline, because (yes, OH, YES) I did learn very well not to pants novels after the epic fail I had when I tried it last time.
Today’s line-for-scene Sentence just took me to a much, much bigger and meaner version of the scene I’d planned, with higher stakes than I’d ever considered.
When you have to drag yourself away from work because you still have other work to do, and when you already can’t wait to roll your ass out of bed at O-dark-hundred tomorrow because that’s when you get to do it again?
That’s a good day.
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