A long time ago (back in 2006-2008), I wrote two novels I loved and younger readers loved.
The Ruby Key: Moon & Sun Book 1
The Silver Door: Moon & Sun Book 2
I’d started work on the third one, The Emerald Sun: Moon & Sun Book 3…
And then Scholastic told me they weren’t going to continue the series. It would end with Book 3, and they would only want the third book if I took a massive pay cut.
I couldn’t afford to take the pay cut. We were already just squeaking by.
So I stopped working on the series, and wrote a bunch of writing books instead. Mugging the Muse: Writing Fiction for Love & Money, Create a Character Clinic, Create a Plot Clinic… and a long list of other books and classes I’m not going to name goes here, but that kept a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.
Meanwhile, however, I kept hearing from the kids who wanted to know what happened next with Genna, Dan, the Cat…
And now those kids are adults.
The rights to the first two books have reverted to me. Today I start the read-through of the first one to get back into the world, to get the voice back, and to find and take notes on any toys I left on the floor that I can pick up for Book 3.
And after I did the first run of reading, I got an unexpected gift.
During a Hard Drive Move (which is never anyone’s favorite thing) years ago (which I think coincided with our move from Georgia back to Florida, I lost track of the Book 3 outline and early chapters.
My older computer had become massively obsolete. I moved the backups to a new computer, and when I did this, Moon & Sun had already become a dead project, so I didn’t check to make sure I could find it.
Forward a bunch of years to when I wanted to find it, and I couldn’t. Realize… Macs have excellent backup, and really good search, and I knew what I was looking for. And no search term I had brought me to those manuscripts.
Today, on the day I started this project, I dug into an unrelated folder looking for something else, and found the entire Moon & Sun project in there, including the start of Book 3. Wasn’t where it was supposed to be, but everything opens, everything is readable, everything is usable.
It’s a sign. Time to write Book 3, time to get the first two into print again, time to bring this world back to life.
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