There is simply no other way to put it. While I’ve had some good days on C, today was a bloody, painful crawl from one end of the day to the other, with damn near nothing to show for it.
I might be pushing too hard, so for a while, I’m going to cut my daily goal by 1000 words, to 2000 total. I’m going to take off Saturdays and Sundays to spend with my guys. I’m going to see if I can relocate the magic that I felt for this story when it started, and that today was so far from memory that I seriously considered scrapping the whole thing.
I considered even more drastic measures, too. Shutting down the weblog. Going offline. It’s easy to acknowledge that even a little time spent tinkering with the site is time that could be spent writing. It’s easy to look at the weblog and think, “Neither King nor Koontz or J.K. Rowling are online.” And there’s an undeniable truth to that, though I cannot look at them and look at me and draw the conclusion that if I weren’t online, I’d be more successful than I am. A does not equal B in this case, and for the most part, I think I’m better for being here.
I don’t know that I’ll be here regularly for the next while. If all the words have to go to the book until I get past this rough spot, then they will.