I’m still out of action

Still fighting regular migraines, with the icepick variety tossed in for extra fun. I can’t really say how the vertigo is coming—the last few days, I haven’t stood up long enough to find out. I am accomplishing nothing. It’s driving me nuts.

Something considerably more important: Not long back from a TDY the Middle East, the Air Force Kid has extended his enlistment in the military in order to take a year-long assignment right in the middle of harm’s way.

Please keep him in your thoughts.

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13 responses to “I’m still out of action”

  1. learn chinese Avatar

    I can truly observe your exhilaration in the work you are writing. The world can perform with more zealous authors as if you who are not scared to say that they feel. Usually go after your center.

  2. Texanne Avatar

    All my best wishes go with you and your family. Sometimes I think they ought to make you sign a paper that says, “Motherhood and Fatherhood are hard forever but the perks are beyond wonderful.”

  3. Dee Avatar

    We’ll definitely keep the good thoughts for your Air Force One. (I come from a long military line myself, and it’s always a toss-up…you’re proud of the work they’re doing, but you just want them home and safe.)

  4. gloria Dooley Avatar
    gloria Dooley

    Thoughts and prayers for you and AFK. My Grandson just enlisted in the Navy. What an honor to know such brave men and women!

    God be with you both,

  5. Gale Avatar

    You’re both in my prayers. Be well!

  6. Mary Lou Avatar
    Mary Lou

    Sorry the migraines haven’t let up, you are in my prayers and in my friend Sunni’s prayer circle out in BC Canada.
    As the spouse of a retired military man, I pray regularly for all the troops in harms way. Will now add a special plea for AFK as well

  7. MarFisk Avatar

    Hugs! I’ll keep him in my thoughts for sure.

    And you hang in there on both.

  8. Claudette Avatar

    AFK and you are on my growing list of prayer recipients. It’s amazing how many people a person can know to put onto such a list and it never grows longer. The privilege is mine each day.

    I would love to be able to give words of wisdom, too. Alas, my well of wisdom dried up a while back and I’ve been searching for a new source. If I find one, I’ll clue you guys in on it.

    I do hope you get some relief soon from this condition, Holly. That is my prayer for you. If they just knew what the real trigger was and could anticipate it, that would be a real boon for you.

    Until then, I’ll keep my list handy and make sure you never fade from it.

  9. Bobbi Avatar

    I’ll be keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. As Nancy said, send him my thanks. Thanks to you, as well, for raising such a brave son.

    I hope the frustration of not getting anywhere doesn’t get to you too much. At least you’ve got a reason! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope you’re able to feel better soon.

    On a side note, I recently signed up to receive Talysmana chapters, and I’m enjoying them immensely. I think it’s awesome that you can write a book with your daughter. ๐Ÿ˜€ (I wish my girl was old enough, but alas! She is only a year and a half… Quite a ways to go there. ๐Ÿ˜› ) Thanks for sharing the process with us!

    Take care!

  10. Shawna Avatar

    Prayers and (((hugs))) for you and the AFK… if it were me, I’d be torn between proud and hauling his rear home where I could keep an eye on him!

  11. Rebecca Anne Avatar
    Rebecca Anne

    My prays I would like to send to you and your brave son and I hope you feel better soon.

  12. Nancy Avatar

    I will definitely be sending positive thoughts AFK’s way. A brave man, your son. Please give him my thanks for his service.

    Sorry you’re still in the middle of Migraine City. Hope you’re feeling better soon.


  13. Lisa R Avatar
    Lisa R

    The Air Force kid is definitely in my thoughts. A number of friends are their now; plus, bunch more from my area are being shipped over later this year. I am newly retired from the National Guard, so all military folk are in my prayers.

    As always, I wish I had words of wisdom to share with you, but the reality is sickness just flat out sucks. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts as well!

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