I’m starting to think of this as the potato-chip book (plus snippet)

“Nobody can write just one.”

I started and finished the chapters Throwing Stuff Against A Wall, Theme and Concept, When Things Go Well (intro), When Things Go Splat (intro), and Word Games: Goosebumps, and, with way over 3000 words for the day, had to make myself quit before I headed into Word Games: Pong, and Word Games: Chase Your Tail.

Those last two are on the desk for tomorrow. Along with them, perhaps Chop Wood, Carry Water, and Drawings. Or maybe Timed Writing. So much fun stuff to do, and laundry and housework just don’t sing to me like they do when I’m stuck.

I have no urge to procrastinate. I just wanna write more Plot Clinic.

What a great feeling.

Snippet of Throwing Stuff Against A Wall, so you can see how this is going. (pdf, 82 KB)

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9 responses to “I’m starting to think of this as the potato-chip book (plus snippet)”

  1. Chassit Avatar

    Holly, this clinic is shaping up to be one of your best yet! I love your clinics. Why are you so darn talented? Can you rub some of it off onto me?

  2. unxplaindfires Avatar

    Hey Holly,

    I’m starting to like your “clinic” series as much as your fiction work. I just re-read “CCC” for fun, the little snippet-examples are great and I’ve always enjoyed a little humor when learning something new…it tends to stay with me longer.


  3. Nicole Avatar

    I figured you’d already caught the typo. Just wanted to be sure. It seems that the ones I miss most in my own work are the omitted-letter typos. Guess my mind moves to fast to notice. 🙂

  4. Holly Avatar

    I’m thinking I can include some organization sheets for your results. Worksheets, though….

    I’ll see what I can do.

  5. nienke Avatar

    (read subliminally)
    wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs wOrKsHeEtS WoRkShEeTs

  6. Dawn Avatar

    The Plot Clinic sounds as if it’s going great, Holly. I know I’ve got a lot from the enormous amount of advise you give so freely.

    I’ve used one of your quotes in my blog – the spanning the darkness one. It describes writing so beautifully.

  7. Holly Avatar

    Yeah, I saw that after I did the PDF. That’s the problem with first draft. It can read a bit rough sometimes. I’ve already corrected the manuscript, but I’d rather skip redoing and reuploading PDF files. The manuscript will go through serious changes before it goes live–the snippets are just snapshots of it in its current state, warts and all.

  8. Nicole Avatar

    Nice! I love the way it reads, very easy-access. Great idea, too, even though we don’t get to see the extended usage of it yet. =)

    (Only other comment is that I think it should be “Ask a librarian” about the fair use copying…)

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