Today was a bit of a catch-up day for writing. I got 871 words, which does not do a ton for my writing schedule.
But two days ago, in a moment of sheer inspiration, right in the middle of Bashtyk Nokyd Takes the Longview, I killed a whole lotta people, and dead among them was the pretty-well-developed hidden villain I’d been planning to kill at the end of the episode.
It was a cool damn scene, and I’m still totally revved about it.
If you kill your main villain for the episode halfway through the story, you have a problem. So today I spent most of my writing time digging through Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood and Warpaint. I found my villain—and now I’m building some backstory to tie this into the LONGVIEW series, so that I don’t derail the series itself.
I have to keep this on track, because this series has to lead directly into Cadence Drake 3: The Wishbone Conspiracy.
Tomorrow I’ll probably be doing a lot of doodling on paper. The only thing I have ever found that lets me think as well as a pen and paper is a Minecraft map.
Go figure.
So once I get this figured out, I know what Lesson 2 in Module 3 of HTWAS is going to cover. 😀
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