This morning in my mailbox I discovered this e-mail waiting for me.
From: El Adonai [yhwh .ancient.of.days AT SOME MAIL]
Subject: Regarding Ear Design
Hello, Holly. Recently it came to my attention that you are dissatisfied with the quality and design of the human aural receptors, otherwise more commonly known as “ears”.
Look, nobody’s perfect, okay? I was sitting there just sort of doodling ideas out and then up came Gabriel going on about “You never share any of the creation” and “why don’t you let us try now and again”. So, I handed him the pad and let him try. I said to him, It must be functional–the purpose of this organ is to perceive sound, so that my children may hear my voice and all the beauty of the world; take this paper, this ink, and make for me a thing to fulfill this purpose.
Easy enough, right? And what does that blowhard hand me? Abstract art! On my Son’s eyes, I swear it was almost as bad as when I let Lucifer at it and he made that “appendix” thing. He still won’t tell me what that damn thing is supposed to do.
I Am
I have THE best readers any writer ever had.
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