I’ve logged at least 1200 words every working day for the last week, but am consistently falling short of the 2000/words/day I’d like to hit in order to give myself a nice disaster pad. Right now, Molly is tracking Baanraak, and Heyr just came out of a pretty impressive closet. Today, I should be able to get about 1500-2000 words just on Molly and her confrontation with Baanraak when she catches up with him.
Ah … the other reason I need to hit my limit each day is that I seem to be running a tad long. And a run-over on length will cost me more time getting to the end. The extra stuff that’s coming in feels necessary, and it’s whole scenes, not just little bits and pieces. I may be able to pare down a few scenes at the end — it’s often good for the suspense factor if chapters get progressively and incrementally shorter as the reader gets toward the end of the book. Sort of like playing fast, nervous music at the climactic scenes of a movie, only subtler.
Anyway, time to get some words.
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