How To Think Sideways is going to change domains as well as software.
We’ll be moving to Holly Lisle Online Writing school.
And we’ll be adding some domains, because while is a good URL from an SEO standpoint, it’s a pain in the ass to type.
will be just the main page, surveys, and the shop,,
which will be class and workshop launches and split testing,
which will be the community and classrooms (’cause, dammit, SHORT NAMES MATTER)! And the stuff you’re going to have to use everyday if you’re active on the site is going to be EASY.
For a while you’ll have both the old logo and the transitional logo on the new site so folks can be sure they’re in the right spot.
Then the main transitional logo will be there by itself. I have no date yet on the move. Dan and I are both hauling ass, with me looking for reliable cloud server space at the moment, because TigerTech has been telling me for a while that I have outgrown them. UGH!
I’m drinking my damn tea, but with the shop dead, I’m not working any six hours a day at the moment.
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