“How To Write A Novel” Live Online Seminar

I’ve been invisible since Friday because I’ve been working myself to exhaustion putting together something I think is really cool. You folks have been hanging in here with me for a long time, some of you since I started my career. You get first go at this.

After this one time, anything I do like this is going to be announced through my new newsletter first, and will generally offer subscribers the info a few days to a week ahead of everyone else. But this last time, we’ll start here. After this, anything that isn’t writing, new books, snippets, personal stuff, or the occasional curmudgeonly rant will disappear.

(Much to the relief of those of you who are no doubt tired of hearing about the future OneMoreWord Books publishing company, or the affiliate program…) I know. I care. This will go back to being a personal writer’s diary.

But just today, take a look at the free live writing seminar I’m putting together.

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10 responses to ““How To Write A Novel” Live Online Seminar”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Anders–I worried about the presentation. In an effort to raise funds for the publishing company, I’m learning copywriting and affiliate management and a host of other skills that I didn’t have prior to this.

    I’m not sure how to present this stuff so that it comes across as me… but I know that, in spite of all the people who love my work and all the books I’ve sold and all the good reviews, I make only enough money to live on, and most of the time only if I’m careful. If I keep doing what I’m doing, the publishing company will simply never happen.

    So. I love to teach. I know how to write good books. I’m trying like hell to figure out how to reach the audience who wants to learn how to write good books.

    If things are a little bumpy in how I get there, please be understanding. I’m new at this.

  2. TinaK Avatar

    Wow! The one day I didn’t get a chance to check your site I miss this yesterday! Hope I was not too late in filling out the survey. What a wonderful idea Holly.

  3. anders Avatar

    And I, like jessiegirl21, am begging you to record this seminar.

  4. anders Avatar

    I love the idea, but the presentation would have turned me away had I not already been familiar with you. It resembles one of those omnipresent one-page advertising sites for everything from boosting Web traffic to vanity publishing to curing acne, which themselves often take the form of a letter.

  5. lizb Avatar

    What an wonderful idea, Holly. Thank you so much for even thinking of sharing your expertise in this way.

  6. peaceheather Avatar

    Argh!! The coupon I was given for filling out the survey keeps coming up as “invalid” when I try to check out.

    Also, regarding the “Create A” clinics, I already bought one a few months ago, and I was wondering, if I buy the other three now, could I use the “get all four” coupon? If not that’s okay, but I wnated to ask.

  7. BJSteeves Avatar

    I wish that I could participate, but with all the things going on right now, there is just not enough hours in the day to do it all. (I’m sure you know EXACTLY where I’m coming from!)

    I know that those of you who do get the chance to attend, will not be disappointed.

    Holly, let us know how it turns out.

  8. jessiegirl21 Avatar

    holly, you are awesome. you do so much for us that i just want to say thankyou. Unfortunately i can not participate. I’m in my last semester of college and i have a mount everest amount of work to finish between now and december. I just wouldn’t be able to put my full brain into it right now, or any time soon. But i am stepping out of lurker land to ask you to consider recording your seminar. Because seriously, I would pay to listen to it. I’ve read your clinics and you always end up helping me in areas i don’t yet realize i need help in – i have no doubt the seminar would be the same. I will understand if you cant, but please, at least think about it.

    thanks again.

  9. joela Avatar

    Wow. The site has undergone a radical change. I like 🙂

  10. PolarBear Avatar

    Very cool. The winners are in for a wonderful experience.

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