I’m pleased and excited to announce the newest book in the shop, Horses for Writers, by Elizabeth J. Baldwin. I owned horses as a kid, was a horse nut, read everything I could find out about them, and have included them in my writing for years—and in this book I still discovered useful information about horses that I didn’t know. Did you know a horse’s color affects the durability of the horse? I didn’t. That’s just for starters. This book is spare, direct, and frequently funny, and every piece of information in it is something you can use immediately to make the horses in your books feel real and act real…and to save your book from being one of those quoted for idiocy on Horses In Fiction panels at writers’ conferences. Baldwin’s years of experience training, riding and keeping horses can save you from enormous embarrassment in your work.
Horses for Writers also opens up a new series (and a new way of doing things) for Shop.HollyLisle.Com. I’m actively pursuing writers who also have significant experience in another line of work or in a subject that writers frequently screw up when writing, to write short, concise Writing It Right Manual e-books for the store. These will run between 20,000 and 40,000 words, and though they’re solicited and will be packaged as part of a series, you’ll own all rights, and all clauses of the shop agreement will still apply. (Meaning if you get an offer from a major publisher to sell the book, I’ll pull it the day you request it.)
I already have two well-qualified writers who are starting on U.S. Military for Writers, and Photography for Writers. I’d love to have EMTs for Writers, Cops for Writers, Lawyers for Writers, Doctors for Writers, Nurses for Writers, Artists for Writers … and so on. After reading some of the mind-numbingly stupid ways in which writers are portrayed by writers, I’m tempted to write Writers for Writers.
If you have genuine qualifications and you have a subject you think would make a good Writing It Right Manual, read over our sales program, sales agreement, etc., and contact me.
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