We’ve been in chaos since Thanksgiving, when my daughter ended up having emergency surgery in the wee hours of the morning. She’s better and home as of today, but I couldn’t focus on anything while I was worried about her. What kind of mom would I have been if I could have?
But I am, as a result, behind on everything. And this has just pointed out to me something I’ve been suspecting for a while now. I’m way overextended, and I need to fire me from a couple of positions and hire someone who can do these jobs the way they need to be done.
Today, specifically, I’m opening up a position for an affiliate manager for the HollyShop Affiliate program.
More specifically, I need a partner who has:
1) STRONG organizational skills, project management, and time-management skills;
2) A comfortable working knowledge of HTML; experience with Dreamweaver a plus;
3) Graphics skills; experience with Fireworks a plus;
4) Copywriting skills a definite plus if already present, clear writing skills an absolute necessity;
5) An ability to communicate well with and get along well with others;
6) Direct experience as a successful Affiliate Marketer an ENORMOUS plus;
7) Enthusiasm and excitement.
AND who has a strong commitment to:
* learn the ropes of becoming a super-affiliate, creating independent campaigns to sell the shop products, and who can then transfer this knowledge to the affiliates in the program (because the best leaders have been where the troops are now, and can SHOW the troops how to do what they did to get where they are) (I’ll provide you with top-quality training materials);
* learn affiliate management and apply the things you learn to make the program fantastic (I’ll pay for your training);
* who will recruit new affiliates, train existing affiliates, make sure affiliates stay within compliance; and get the affiliate center into shape (it’s an incredible mess right now, but I can provide templates and very clear direction on what it needs to become excellent);
* who will answer affiliate e-mails promptly and get affiliates help same-day (or at most within 24 hrs)
* who will come up with promotion ideas, contests, and deals for affiliates to offer;
* who will work enthusiastically with beginners to help them showcase their special strengths and create marketing plans that succeed for them, and who will work with equal enthusiasm with seasoned pros to get them the help they need;
* who will submit the program to appropriate directories and find other venues to increase its profile;
* who will distribute articles and other content, and create some advertising content;
* who will create training tutorials;
* and other things we’ll agree on jointly.
To get you started, we’ll work out a checklist of critical tasks and secondary tasks, and another checklist of daily, weekly, and monthly to-dos.
For this, I’m offering a straight commission of 25-30% of total program commissions for the first six months (depending on your current skills and experience), with an increase after six months to 40% of program commissions, following a review of the program’s progress and your own satisfaction with the work. (If you’re already a successful affiliate manager with a non-competing program and I don’t have to train you, I’ll start you at 40%.)
Understand that you’re starting with what is, essentially, a new program. For November, the affiliate program generated $410.53 in commissions. I was grateful for every single commission, but for an affiliate program, that’s really tiny. I haven’t promoted the program, I haven’t worked one-on-one with affiliates, I haven’t done a lot of things that NEED to be done. Still, on last month’s commissions, the beginner affiliate manager would have made whatever commissions he already made for his own affiliate sales, plus $102.63-$123.15 in Affiliate Manager compensation. I know that’s small to start with. However, there’s no cap. If in six months (when I raise you to 40%) you’ve grown the program to $5000/month in generated commissions, you’ll receive an extra $2000 on top of your own commissions.
If you can turn HollyShop Affiliates into a big, juicy affiliate program that generates $25,000 a month in commissions, then you’ll get $10,000.00 per month on top of your affiliate commissions. Whatever you ethically can get the program to produce, you’ll get 40% of as affiliate manager on top of what you earn as an affiliate.
I’ll pay 100% of your super-affiliate training and your Affiliate Manager Course, I’ll work with you daily until you’re comfortable doing most things alone, and I’ll make sure you can reach me if you have questions after that.
I’m looking for someone ethical and determined who loves the site, loves the books and courses, wants to help writers find information they can use, wants to help affiliates (most of whom are writers) succeed and make good secondary incomes so they can have more money and more time to write, and who sees this as an opportunity to do something both profitable and exciting, and perhaps as a way to pay forward.
I’m offering this in-house—to the folks who are my affiliates, who are members of my mailing list, who are regulars at my writing diary, and who are FMers, because I want to work with MY folks. That’s why I’m willing to train rather than look at outside sites.
If this is you, and if you want to work with me, please contact me at affiliates AT hollylisle.com with your qualifications and what you can bring to the job beyond basic skill sets.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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