Heard from the AFK

The Air Force Kid left for the Middle East yesterday. Got a call from him—he’s arrived safely, and is inprocessing.

My nine-month-countdown until he’s due back in the states starts now. I know it will probably be longer. I’m just hoping it won’t be much longer.

In the meantime, he’s with good people.

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11 responses to “Heard from the AFK”

  1. Ann Avatar

    Glad to hear he arrived safely, hoping he stays that way.

  2. Krista Avatar

    I can’t imagine being his mom right now. Hang in there.

  3. Kaelem Avatar

    Good to hear he arrived safely!

  4. heather Avatar

    Glad to hear he’s safe and hope he stays that way!

  5. Nicole Avatar

    Glad to hear he arrived safely!

  6. MarFisk Avatar

    Hugs Holly. Glad he arrived safely and I hope those nine months fly by as quickly as this year seems to have done.

  7. wolverine Avatar

    Many hugs and good wishes. He sounds like a great kid.


  8. firelight Avatar

    You must be so proud of him! I’ll be keeping him in my prayers. You’re a very brave mom.

  9. shawna Avatar

    You and yours are in my prayers.

  10. TinaK Avatar

    Glad he made it safe and sound. Keeping him and your family in my prayers.

  11. BJSteeves Avatar

    That was super news! I’ll be praying that he keeps safe.

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