Headache Gone, Writing Diary Working

The problem was that I had the widgets plugin sitting in the plugins folder. Didn’t have it activated, just had it there. As soon as I deleted it, the plugins and widgets automagically started working.

Couple little things added to the sidebar. I’ll probably add a few more now that everything is going smoothly. I want to redo the Login section to remove the advertisement for WordPress–have one of those at the bottom and don’t need another.

But I feel good today, and will get the words to finish up the Green Magic proposal first draft later today. Print them off and revise them on Monday and Tuesday.

Having no headache is a very good thing.

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16 responses to “Headache Gone, Writing Diary Working”

  1. Holly Avatar

    TJ–you fell afoul of Akismet. I just pulled two of your comments out.

  2. TJ Avatar

    I guess something ate my comment from yesterday. LOL.

    At work, I have no choice but to use IE6, corporate choices, etc. At home, I was using IE7 until my computer crashed.

    My Yahoo browser is the only one that works right now because so far it doesn’t matter what I do, Microsoft is not compatible with some part of Microsoft.

    I’m not worried because I’m going to buy a new computer anyway.

  3. PolarBear Avatar

    FYI, it looks fine on IE7. Anything I can try to help you with on 6?

  4. TJ Avatar


    At work I have little choice, but home is another story. The first problem I mention affected my ability to read your entries. This one is merely inconvienent.

    As I said before, I know where to find the info (scroll down), so I’m not sweating it too much.

  5. Holly Avatar

    TJ—ARGH! I can’t get a copy of Internet Explorer. Microsoft, in its infinite wisdom, (or in an attempt to crush Apple), or whatever, does not make a version for OS X higher than 5, which is now unsupported and buggy as hell.

    So I cannot test the site with the most-used browser around, and since that browser uses a bunch of proprietary, unsupported stuff that doesn’t meet internet standards, it guarantees that there are people who are going to have problems with this site.

    This fact drives me nuts.

    I’m very sorry for the buggy display. Would you consider switching to Firefox? Good browser, uses supported code.

  6. PolarBear Avatar

    Well, TJ, I’m using XP Pro and IE6 at work, and I see what you’ve described. At home, I use XP Pro and Firefox and get a much cleaner display.

    What IE seems to do is squeeze the columns of the diary and elongate it.

    Interestingly, in the comment window, the far right sidebar is pushed to the bottom and becomes a left-hand sidebar below the main column.

  7. TJ Avatar

    Both on Windows. I’m slow today. Too much excitement in other parts of my life.

  8. TJ Avatar

    Hee, hee. I knew you were going to ask that right after I posted. On this computer, I’m using IE6, and I think my Yahoo browser at home is based on IE6. They both do the same thing.

    I haven’t seen anyone else saying anything, so if it’s just me, don’t worry. You got more important things to do like writing and smog and stuff. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Holly Avatar

    TJ, what browser are you using, and on what platform? The household is Mac-only now, so I can’t test on anything Windows-specific. I might be able to at least test in the Mac version of the browser, though.

  10. TJ Avatar

    It’s all better now.

    Except for the Search, WIP, calendar, comments, trackbacks, blogs stuff being way underneath everything else instead of as a third column. But it’s been doing that for some time now, so I’m not too stressed. It happens sometimes and sometimes not.

    As long as I can find it when I need it, I’m good.

  11. Mandy Avatar

    I haven’t upgraded to 2.2 yet, but I’m using Akismet & the Sidebar Widgets plug-in, and you can drag the “Spam Blocked” logo off the sidebar & still use the plug-in to block spam comments. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Holly Avatar

    There’s a Spam Blocked statement?

    Sheesh. That plugin goes away now.

  13. TJ Avatar

    Ah, today the main page of the diary cuts off just after the Spam Blocked statement. The whole rest of the page is gone for me. Don’t know what it’s up to.

  14. Inkblot Avatar

    Glad your headache’s gone, and you fixed the bug ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Chassit Avatar

    Great news on the plug-in getting fixed, Holly!!! The head ache, too, but I kinda figure that goes without saying!

  16. PolarBear Avatar

    Thanks for mentioning the fix. I also had the widgets plug-in sitting there but unused. I’ve deleted it in preparation for the 2.2 install.

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