HAWKSPAR type-in now in progress

And progressing well. The goal, of course, is to finish today. It might be a long day, though.

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4 responses to “HAWKSPAR type-in now in progress”

  1. Eve Avatar

    Thank you for the information and the link. I am a 56 year old artist (painter) who of a sudden got the idea that I could perhaps write. I know nothing, and sites like yours are encouraging and inspiring. A tough life experience had me thinking I could turn what I learned into a fantasy fiction novel. I did not know about scene construction, language building, or character building. A character just came and I wrote. I did know how to start and I have a story arc. Now at 38,000 words I’m floundering a little. It seems too soon to have the major crises happen. Never mind. I will keep going. I did not expect my first draft to wonderful. Thank you again for the insights you are sharing on your website.

  2. Holly Avatar

    TYPE-IN–the whole revision process, including type-in, is linked here. Scroll to the bottom part of the page.

  3. Eve Avatar

    Hello, Can anyone tell me what a type-in is?

  4. PJ Avatar

    Go, Holly! 🙂

    BTW, if I haven’t said so before, I love the look of the new site!

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