Happy Old Year. Good stuff coming.

Time and work have devoured this week.

I’ve been writing HTRYN lessons, putting together some internet stuff with my father-in-law, working toward my New Year’s resolution, getting the Official Grand Opening of How To Revise Your Novel ready, and trying to relax. I gave up on that last pretty early on, really, and this has been another long week with no breaks, and no fiction.


HTRYN opens on January 2nd at 12 noon EST, and you’ll be able to register for class up until January 9th at 12 noon. After that, it’s going to be quite a while before I offer the class again, because, as you’ll find out tomorrow, I’m going to be working on other things.

In the meantime, while the HTRYN scholarships have landed on the back burner, they’re not forgotten. You can vote for, comment on, or still create and enter an entry in the HTRYN Scholarship Contest here.

I hope the end of your old year is wonderful, and leads to a 2010 that is better than you could ever imagine.

I’ll see you again in 2010.

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4 responses to “Happy Old Year. Good stuff coming.”

  1. Lisa R Avatar
    Lisa R

    I woke up this morning thinking about the new project and am still waiting:-)

    I hope you did get to relax last night and enjoy the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. The kids and I had a nice evening of watching movies, doing a few fireworks, and drinking sparkling apple cider.

    Before all of that though, I finished my novel! This is the first time I have ever written a novel. What an amazing journey. I loved the work more then I could ever imagine, but I have a scared little feeling that the real work is now going to begin.

    I am not one to make New Year’s Resolution, but being that this is the beginning of a new decade, I started thinking. In 1990, I joined the National Guard. For the first 10 years, it was a weekend career. In 1999, I became a federal technician which I have to be a soldier to keep my job, so the military became my fulltime career. Two decades have been all about wearing a uniform. I have decided that the next two decades are going to be all about writing and hopefully publishing.

    So, Happy New Year Holly. And thank you very much for being such an inspiration.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Congrats, Lisa, on finishing!

    2. Gabby Avatar

      Congratulations! That’s a great way to finish out the year.

      1. Lisa R Avatar
        Lisa R

        Thank you!!!

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