I’m posting my New Year’s Resolutions again. You’re invited to post or link to your own, so that we can see what we’ve all got planned.
My resolutions come in very few flavors for the coming year—last year was a great education for me, and some things turned out better than I expected. What I have below are what I discovered worked for me last year; when I moved away from them, things went wrong. When I stayed true to them, things went right.
The objective this year is to do what I’ve found works and stay on my path, written out below.
TAO, which includings FAMILY, WORK, and SPIRIT
- Chop wood, carry water.
- Give thanks each day.
- Be here now.
- Look for lessons.
- In all things, be the river, not the stone.
- Breathe consciously.
- Move with intent.
- Each moment is its own victory—no past failures, no future glories.
- Continue to eliminate all milk products.
- Do every project first and foremost for the love of it.
- Work first.
- Simplify the day.
- Remember that rest, too, has a purpose.
What are you resolving to do?
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