Today was a good day. I had to delete one whole chapter, and I ended up writing about three times as many words as what shows, because of that giant chunk of deletion.
But I landed the next to last chapter, and retrofitted the last chapter to fit the new stuff today.
The last chapter — it had originally been written as a middle chapter, but it had that perfect last line that, when I read it this morning, made me laugh and cry — didn’t need much. I made it match the new next-to-last chapter.
And then read it again. And laughed and cried at the same time.
So. Book 3 of the Ohio Series is now done in first draft. And like nearly all my first drafts, it will probably get longer in revision. BUT not today, or tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I’ll read my raw outline for book for, and make that fit what happened in book three.
That might take a few working days, but best guess, I’ll start into Ohio 4 on either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Today though?
Happy Dance!
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