
I have been struggling with the same damned scene for days now, dreading sitting down to the computer because the words I needed and the story I needed just weren’t there. I’ve done about five takes on the thing, each time thinking, “Okay, I’ll get it this time.” And each take has sucked. Yesterday I dropped into chat and was bitching about the thing kicking my ass, and folks in there starting throwing questions at me. Good questions. All the crud that has been glued to my brain for the past … what, week? … fell away, and ideas started flowing again, and yesterday afternoon, late, all of a sudden the scene fell into place for me. I chewed on it while we went to visit family, and e-mailed myself a couple of notes on it from the other computer so that they’d be on the right computer when I needed them, and this morning I sat down and wrote the damned thing in just under an hour.

HA! And again I say, “HA!”

Technically, I could be done with the writing for the day. I’ve done a lot of writing since 6 AM. But I’m going to head back into the stuff that I only have to revise — that doesn’t have to be written from scratch. I want to get this book done and out the door.

For all the folks who hit me with questions yesterday, a huge thank you. You were great.

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2 responses to “Ha!”

  1. Lydia/wizardofkamsan Avatar

    The people on chat are definitely amazingly helpful. I’m glad things worked out! Go Holly!

  2. Jean Avatar

    Glad to hear things got moving again. I’ve started to find chat a helpful place to be. I probably never would have tried chat if your rearrangement hadn’t caused all that ruckus a few months ago. 🙂

    Keep up the good work.

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