Got the words

Acutally, I’ve had the words since 10:45 AM. Hit 26,980 fluidly, while discovering what happened to Doyati—the object of great interest by the Kai-lord Letrin, and the bartering chip for our heroes Gennadara (Genna), Danrith (Dan), the nightling Yarri, and the cat. Ran into the blind hounds and the silver huntress but was not run down by them. The ghost warriors have not yet been released from the harp. So even though the ground damn near devoured everyone, things are not yet as bad as they could be.

It was a fun writing morning.

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3 responses to “Got the words”

  1. TinaK Avatar

    What fun! I can’t wait to hear more Holly. Congrats on the words.

  2. The English Rose Avatar
    The English Rose

    Sounds like so much fun!!! I definitely was dawdling around with buying your books so yesterday I finally did, haha. I’m really excited to be writing again; I’m finally starting to force my negative side to shut up and let me have fun.

  3. the insect Avatar

    Stopping in to let you know that your article “Say What You Mean” has given me the courage to keep writing my current WIP. I have a lot to say about subjugation, and I’m writing first person from the POV of a wormy coward of a prostitute who idolizes and worships an utterly vile client, who is naive and thinks he is _happy_ in this situation, and every few dozen words I have to stop typing because I’ve clenched up with fury at the words I’m writing. My instinct is to rush him through character changes to make him the kind of person I can stand, but that would be cheating, and cheating is worse than writing nothing at all.

    What tears me up is that this character is at least in part _me_, that all my characters come from _me_, and sometimes I’m terrified of what people may think when they read it. But then I think to your article, and I press onward. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you’ve done.

    PS: Were it not that I already owned all of your books on writing, I’d have taken advantage of yesterday’s Hump Day sale!

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