Got My Copy of CCC

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Front cover, print version of Create A Character ClinicI received my copy of Create A Character Clinic yesterday. It arrived promptly, in excellent condition, and the quality was exceptional. The cover artwork is on good, sturdy stock, very glossy, and the colors came out rich and well-separated.

Back cover, print version of CCCThe text is crisp, too, and the ringbound binding is inset deeply enough that the pages, which are of good-quality paper, should not tear out even with heavy use.

Interior illustration, print version of CCCI was worried about the interior illustrations. I had to do them in grayscale, rather than the color that I used in the e-book version, and I was afraid that they would be muddy and hard to read. I was plesantly surprised to find that they had printed very well, though I think I may redo the whole lot in black and white when I redo this. The colors were useful–the grayscale really isn’t, and I think I’d prefer crisp lines.

Interior text of CCCWhy will I be going back to redo this instead of putting it on sale now?

Well, there was a tiny little problem with the interior text, you see. It all looks like this. Every word, every page number, every chapter heading and bullet.

…….. Sigh ………

I’m off this morning to see how to fix this.

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8 responses to “Got My Copy of CCC”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Carol, I wanted to thank you for your kind words. Now that the possibility of doing fiction books in print form on my own has finally worked out, it may be feasible for me to do more Cadence Drake stories. I’d love to.

    And I’m very happy that you liked the Character Clinic. Thanks for taking the time to tell me.

  2. Carol Avatar

    I received my download of Create A Character Clinic yesterday and devoured it in one sitting, but will revisit it… (I also read Hunting The Corrigan’s Blood which I downloaded at the same time. I loved it and want to read more!) I must admit I love the ebook idea, none of your books are readily available where I live in country Australia, instant gratification anytime as opposed to ordering internationally.

  3. BJSteeves Avatar

    A new DaVinci Code? I’d hate to have to decipher that!

  4. Miss Nienke Avatar

    Oh crap! Well, the cover is very pretty!

  5. PolarBear Avatar

    Well, if you hadn’t ordered the Chinese version…

    Everything looked so good, too.

  6. arrvee Avatar

    Well, there was a tiny little problem with the interior text…

    Gee, Holly, there’s no need to cuss. 🙂

    Most likely it’s just a character set translation issue, like Latin-1 to Unicode-8 or some such. Hope it’s not too hard to fix. The book looks really good.

  7. TinaK Avatar

    Oh, I do hope you are able to get it ironed out! It’s so much easier for me to read a paper book vs. e-book. I can’t wait to buy it.

  8. shawna Avatar

    Umm…. it’s a sneak preview of worldbuilding, the language portion? (grin)
    More seriously, hope it’s a simple fix.

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