Got It!

Took a bit, but I now have the idea, the complete Sentence (30 words or less that introduce the protagonist, the antagonist, the conflict, and the twist), eight scenes outlined, and my math.

6500 words.

Eight scenes.

812 words per scene.

And a title.

The Thorsday Night Writers. It’s time travel, a complete romantic arc, a poignant ending, a bit of humor… and I’m thrilled with the images in my head.

Now all I need are the words. And I will get them.


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2 responses to “Got It!”

  1. MarFisk Avatar

    Looks like fun :). Good luck with corralling the words.

  2. Emily Avatar

    You’ve got the hardest part out of the way. Im sure you’ll make the deadline. Today and two more days to write it out, one day to edit. You’ve got all the time you need!

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