This character came to me today that I’m going to have to use in a book. She isn’t going to fit in any meaningful way into the WORLD GATES series, but I might be able to find a place for her at the Matrin table. She’s wonderful. She’s a stunner in her world, chased after and admired by men, envied by women, a free-thinker, blunt-spoken, a sexual dynamo, talented, a beauty, and conceited as hell. She weighs, I figure, about 250-275 lbs, is close to six feet tall, and her ample proportions and her liberated life are the things men and women most admire about her. I can see her. I can hear her voice. She is glorious, and I think it’s funny as hell that she named herself. Glorious is a great first name, I think, if you have the nads to carry it off.
I wonder where she’ll show up.