Fung, Keto, Before and After Pics

Just a couple of pictures of me, one taken in June of 2007, when I was 46, and one taken of me today, at 57.

I’m in about the same pose, and wearing the same sweater, which I knitted back in 2007.

The sweater is in the picture because this is the ONLY picture I have of me back then, because while I was not yet at my top weight, I was at that point pretty close.

Holly June 2007 not yet highest weight

So… 2007.

And now today…

Holly Aug 3 2018 same sweater

Different houses, eleven years difference in my age, some gray in my hair now. And Sheldon, the Only Cat.

Fung. Keto. No cheating. I know I look older (and yeah, I am older) but I feel about thirty years younger than I did eleven years ago.

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22 responses to “Fung, Keto, Before and After Pics”

  1. Christine J Randall Avatar
    Christine J Randall

    You’ve freed up a lot of wool for another project there Holly! I’m doing low carb, moderate protein, moderate to high fat. Most days I eat only between 10 and 5:30. The other day, I forgot until nearly 4pm. Not being too strict, but I am beginning to see where my waist was. You’re an inspiration.

  2. Tamara Avatar

    What do you mean you “look older?” You look great!
    I’ve been following along. Read Obesity Code and decided to just drop soda and skip breakfast most days. I dropped 7 pounds in a matter of weeks and got a lot of energy. I figure once the kids get back into school, I’ll incorporate more. Also learned disrupted sleep — which happens often due to little kids up at night — is the biggest issue I deal with.
    Still, progress is being made. Thank you for continuing to post about this journey.

  3. Sylvia Avatar

    Incredible! Now you’ll have to knit another sweater! You’re right, once you’ve been ‘intermittently fasting’, you do lose that sugar craving. I wouldn’t have believed it. I still like bread, but can do without it if want to easily. I’m not ketoing, just eating 8 out of 24 hours and the inches are going bye bye, pounds more slowly. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I love Sheldon, too!

  4. Maureen Morley Avatar
    Maureen Morley

    Congrats Holly
    That is fantastic! I’m doing Atkins have lost 12 lbs my wonderful husband 40 lbs its never the same for girls! But we are both hanging in and will do this for the duration!
    You look wonderful for your age!

  5. Katharina Gerlach Avatar

    It’s the glassed that make you look old. 😀

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      LOL! I’m stuck with those. Wore contact lenses until one day when I was working in the ER, (in my mid- to late- twenties) got powder from a glove under a lens in the middle of a horrific day, scratched a cornea but couldn’t stop to deal with the lens or the eye pain…, and from the end of that twelve-hour shift, could never stand to wear contacts again.

      I won’t have surgery on my eyes.

      So to see anything farther away than a computer screen, I have to wear them.

  6. Catherine McFarland Avatar
    Catherine McFarland

    Congratulations on your effective weight loss. I’m sure you feel much better. I am retiring the end of this month and plan to start IF then and hope to become half the woman I am now. Wish me luck.

    PS, I’ll also be restarting HTTS and this time I’ll finish the class. Really looking forward to it.

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      I wish you luck. If you’re doing keto, you won’t need it though. It’s one of those things that just works.

  7. Jean Avatar

    Looking good, my friend!

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      Hugs, and thanks. Feeling better. 😀

  8. Judy French Avatar
    Judy French

    Just love it. And the cat. Congratulations on your success!

  9. Justin Colucci Avatar

    You’re looking fabulous!!

    …And Sheldon is adorable.

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar
      Holly Lisle

      Thank you. I feel so much better.

      And Sheldon makes serious book on that adorableness. Initially I thought he was adorable when he nibbled on my elbow to ask for treats. He decided, however, that when treats weren’t forthcoming, he would just nibble a bit harder.

      That’s a bad path down a mean road.

      So I growled at him and told him I wasn’t going to give him treats for doing that anymore.

      About half an hour after I had made clear that nibbling was not going to result in snacks, he stood on the bill box next to my desk, stood on his hind legs, rested a front paw on my desk for balance, and patted me on the shoulder with the other paw.

      Yeah. Of course I gave him treats. And that is now his standard way of asking.

      1. Reziac Avatar

        Cats really should be fed free choice, as they are natural nibblers (no, cats are not fussy eaters; when feeling satisfied, they’re just not hungry enough to eat meals). Feeding meals makes them excessively hungry (which can cause paradoxical food refusal).

        Thing is, smaller animals just don’t have the reserves to routinely go hours or days between meals, any more than you’d expect that of a baby. Frex, “sickly” toy-breed puppies usually aren’t sick; rather, they’re starving, because they’re only good for a max of ~6 hours before they become hypoglycemic (and can die within a day or two), and the uninitiated just don’t feed them often enough.

        1. Holly Lisle Avatar
          Holly Lisle

          Yeah, he gets his half cup of food first thing in the morning.

          And then accompanies whoever is going to the bathroom, and nibbles a bit while they’re in there. He likes company.

  10. Pearannoyed Avatar

    You look amazing! I have been lazy about my keto, and it shows. I feel better than I used to, but I still have a long way to go. I really need to get strict about it.

  11. Reziac Avatar

    At half the person you were, you look like yourself again!!

    1. Holly Lisle Avatar

      Thanks. It’s surprisingly pleasant being half the woman I used to be.

      1. Byron Van Buren Avatar
        Byron Van Buren

        Lol! I’m sure you are more sure of yourself today having disciplined yourself to lose that weight.

        1. Holly Lisle Avatar
          Holly Lisle

          It really doesn’t take that much discipline. I like meat. Butter. Eggs. The occasional green thing like asparagus or broccoli.

          And while the initial walk away from bread and sugar was tough, I no longer feel any desire for it. I don’t yearn for anything.

          Well, at the moment, I haven’t eaten since 7 PM on the 7th, and I’m a bit hungry, and will be happy to have a slab of something meaty and fried in butter later. But that’s pretty much it.

          1. Reziac Avatar

            Butter on steak. Mmmmm….

            1. Holly Lisle Avatar
              Holly Lisle

              That and asparagus was dinner last night. Pan-fried butter drenched steak…. MMMM!

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