Writing today was a delight — I made myself laugh several times while my MC dealt with being in ICU as a patient, and dealing with the staff, the discomforts of being stuck in ICU… and getting the first hint that even the hospital might not be as safe for her as she had hoped.
I used to be an RN, and while my preferred specialty was ER, I worked both as an ICU nurse and covered in the ICU the year I was a nursing supervisor (supervising was my LEAST favorite job ever. I much preferred being staff).
In any case, my main character discovered that one of the folks wearing scrubs might not be… well, folks as we define them on this planet.
Considering how she ended up in the ICU in the first place, this could end up being a big, bad problem for her. For other staffers.
Or it might be something entirely unexpected — even by me.
I know where the scene has to end up, but what happens between here and there is still up for grabs.
And as you can see, I’m now 66,866 words into the novel.
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