Fun with Consequences. 1308 words while making trouble for my main character. 45,406 total.

This was one of those “I love my job” days. 

I got a late start because we were dropping presents off at a friend’s house, but when I picked up where I left off yesterday, the parts of the scene I needed were waiting.

Actions of others have had massive, epic consequences, and something that’s been mostly stable for a really, really long time just got broken.

My MC is in the position where she’s having to sort out the pieces.

And she’s facing one of those moments that would make heroes in capes and professional politicians all weep.

She’s not feeling so great herself. But she’s doing her best, and while her upcoming month is likely to be five kinds of nightmare…

It’s gonna be a LOT of fun to write. 

I’m happy. I love what I got, I’ve left myself in a good place to pick up work again on Monday… and WEEKEND!!!

I’m ready.

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