Friday “Write A Book”

If you’re playing Write A Book With Me, check in here with your wordcount and update.

And your degree of having fun. ๐Ÿ˜€

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56 responses to “Friday “Write A Book””

  1. Julia GD Avatar
    Julia GD

    belated posting(at least I kept my counting!)
    Friday – 1234. Not good, but not bad either considering the amount of medication I am taking ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Abby Avatar

    Whew, lots of people writing here! I think I’m gonna join in August 12th, if that’s fine. I’m on vacation until then!

    1. Sarah Collins Avatar

      Wow, I could seriously use a vacay like that! If I EVER get a laptop I’m going to spend my days writing from the deck of our boat. Until then, my idea of a vacation is not being too tired to read before bed, LOL.

      See you on the 12th!

      1. Abby Avatar

        My sympathies, haha. xD I’ve totally been there and done that myself. Try and take more time for yourself, though! It really is worth it — life’s too short, eh? ๐Ÿ™‚

        See you soon!

  3. Debora Avatar

    571 words. I may be mired in backstory, I’m not sure, but what I’m writing is not what I would call an info-dump, but rather my MC/first-person narrator recalling the memory she treasures most of her mother, who was killed while out riding a horse during a thunderstorm. Horses, riding accidents, and thunderstorms are all integral to my story. So are personal battles, such as taking risks, overcoming fear, and refusing to yield to the cultural stereotypes of the day (mid-nineteenth century America). All these things feel worthy of exploration.

    As for the fun factor, I have a lot of fun while I am actually writing. The words just seem to flow, which is quite a new experience for me. I think the change is due to the fact that I finally have a good grasp of how I want this book to sound. I hear the narrator’s voice in my head. One way I accomplished this is by listening to audiobooks by authors whose voices I want to emulate.

    When I’m not writing, I feel a sense of dread and growing panic, however, and I wonder often, is my writing so convoluted that no modern reader will want to read it?

    So it helps to have this thread, which effectively keeps the panic at bay by setting daily, achieveable goals.

    One day at a time.

    1. Debora Avatar

      For the second day in a row, my comment is awaiting moderation. What terrible thing did I do?


  4. The Pencil Neck Avatar
    The Pencil Neck

    969 words.

    I’m at a Reunion in Austin.

    My sheriff questioned someone and knows they lied to him. He tried to let them know that he knew they were lying but they went ahead digging the hole deeper and deeper. And he discovered another link in the chain.

    1. The Pencil Neck Avatar
      The Pencil Neck

      Forgot to mention: I’m having a blast.

  5. Mae Powers Avatar

    Had to make a second comment, cause the story I’m nearly half done with is a second I’m working on; mentioned the title for a different one and made a comment on it, lol. I’m simultaneously working on two stories, one is a paranormal/werewolf story and the other is for a holiday digest called Merry Times. The second is for Her Loving Touch digest, both coming out this year. Good luck again to everyone. Mae

  6. Mae Powers Avatar

    Been writing the last few days; Thursday 475, Friday 622, and today about 1380, that’s earlier today. So I’ll have this short done for a holiday digest when I get the rest of the story completed, some later this eve, well now Sunday, and some later Sunday afternoon, when I wake up again. It’s a paranormal and my second werewolf/shifter story. This one is is called The Pack: Howling Hearts and is for a digest called Her Loving Touch. What I’m enjoying about it is the different character cultures and characterization of the two main characters. It’s been tough going but I like doing this challenge. Revisions come after the rough draft, but being an editor it’s hard not to just get in there and edit as I write. GOOD luck to everyone here, hope you all reach your goals and Holly get better and thank you for letting us post. Mae

  7. Researcher Avatar

    Working along… inappropriate ideas butting in…..put ideas on separate cards so they will hush…….husband packing bags……usually returns… child not speaking to me……charges me with loving character too much…….1100 words today that did not fall off of the page in a show of rebellion…….hmmmm…..well, back to it.

  8. Don Avatar

    534 words low production came to the shocking conclusion the story needs a love story, Christ and at 20,122 words. Going to ponder this and other writing truths for the next couple of days. On track to be halfway done with the rough draft by Halloween, done by the end of the year. A love story MMMM.

  9. Karen Avatar

    This wasn’t a good week for writing. Work drained the creativity out of me and I had trouble convincing myself there was nothing really wrong with chapter 3. Took a couple of friends to remind me it is a rough draft and I don’t have to write each chapter perfectly. Shall do some writing this weekend, am looking forward to seeing what my characters are up to.

    Good luck writing, everyone! ^_^

    1. Don Avatar

      Keep at it kiddo that’s why god made rewriting!!!!!

  10. Cat (from HtTS) Avatar

    I found it difficult to get back into my story after being away for a whole week, so I procrastinated and wrote a flash fiction fairy tale instead. Ended up with 1264 words and reduced them to 997 (1000 being the maximum length for Flash Me Magazine submissions). I’m satisfied with the result although I’m feeling slightly guilty, too.

    1. Mae Powers Avatar

      Don’t feel guilty, sometimes working on something else gives your brain a break and it helps your writing in other ways. Be glad you completed an actual story, even flash one. Good way to hone skills too.

  11. Erin Kendall Avatar

    527 words, and I’m still a bit blocked, but I’ll figure it out. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Erin K.

  12. Brian Cansler Avatar

    I hope you’re starting to feel better, Holly. ๐Ÿ™‚

    My muse has been kind to me lately. (Almost a little TOO kind…) Regardless, I’ve been listening to everything she says lately, and actually accepting a lot of her ideas. Finally, my plot is strengthening, and it’s almost strong enough to start writing.

    I’m going to start Lesson 8 of HTTS today and get the plot cards down. I’ll work with and tweak those as time permits for the next two weeks until lesson 9 arrives and I can actually start writing.

    My excitement is mounting!

  13. Sarah Collins Avatar

    I added 447 words Friday. I should have more time today (Sat), although I can barely keep my eyes open at the moment. My scene is moving a little better, but I’ve already decided to get it down and fix it later. It’s not horrible, but I’m not impressing myself either, LOL. Other than the overall word count of 37,326. THAT, I love! (Sorry – I’m as green as the spring grass. First attempt at fiction and only started in the spring. This feels GREAT!)

    1. Larkk Avatar

      Congrats on that word count! Bet there’s a LOT of good stuff in there ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Mae Powers Avatar

      you’ll do fine Sarah. Keep up the good work.

  14. Ann Avatar

    Ok, 400 words in for Friday and 303 so far today with (hopefully) more to come. Much easier today for some reason – I also went back and reviewed the tale to date, which I usually try not to do too much of unless it’s for necessary information. Much to my relief, I liked what’s been done so far!

  15. Laura Avatar

    Just dropping by to say hi and see how you’re doing. I wanted to get back to writing a story that I abandoned two years ago, but in order to do that I had to re-read everything I had written… and now I stuck editing all that mess. I absolutely love the plot and the characters, but the style makes me cringe. Once I finish cleaning it up, I’ll actually start writing again. Can’t wait!

    Good luck everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Brian Cansler Avatar

      Good luck to you, too, Laura! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Laura Avatar


  16. Larkk Avatar

    Seized an opportunity to bang out 1127 words at work and sketch out an upcoming scene. Printed out a hard copy for a back up. When I looked at it I realized that if I someone else had written this I would encourage them to keep writing-even though one of the words was “scarily.”

    1. Sarah Collins Avatar

      Ah, LOL! Scarily, indeed! I’m still trying to figure out if I think that’s a word – must be time for bed. ROFL!

      1. Larkk Avatar

        What can I say? That’s what happens when my inner editor is on a coffee break…

  17. Jennifer VanSchoyck Avatar

    I have been playing along for 5 days and my daily counts are as follows:

    524, 516, 752, 590, and 913. For a grand total of 3295.

    My goal is to write 500 words a day.

    Having a blast!

  18. Dawn K. Avatar
    Dawn K.

    1,020 words on Dragon Touched and I have a huge headache so I’m stopping. The second section is finished and I like my cliffhanger this time. I think it really is one. This makes my project 20,340 words long, about 10,000 shorter than I expected, but my scenes are mostly coming in at 500 to 1000 words instead of my guesstimated 1,500. I may have to add scenes.

    1. Mae Powers Avatar

      Great, Dawn. Don’t get discouraged, you’ve made a lot of head way. Let it sit for a few days, work on something else, jot scenes down but take a day from it, you’ll come back clear headed and ready to tackle it.

  19. Lisa R Avatar
    Lisa R

    1005 words on my story with 410 words on my notes for the future project. I did have fun. The husband is trying to figure out if his wife is telling the truth. When I finished off last night, he didn’t believe her and was plotting his strategy to uncover her lies. Oh, the intrigue. At least, I hope the intrigue is there. It is supposed to be.

    I had fun with my writing. I especially thanked my muse when once I had turned off the computer worried about how to unravel the lies, she revealed the answer.

  20. Khena Avatar

    I am frustrated! If I can just get through this scene, I’ll be able to move along again, but this scene is kicking me in the butt. I wrote 276 words yesterday, and would have written more, but my husband kicked me off the computer. Apparently my back was swelling along my spine below my neck, so he thought I should sit correctly for a while. =/

    The swelling went down overnight, so hopefully I can spend some time writing later today and finish this miserable scene. I’ve written a new goal for myself though, I want to hit 50k words by the end of September. Hopefully I can manage it =)

    1. Sarah Collins Avatar

      I share your (writing) pain. I’m stuck in my current scene. Things are finally moving along, but the forces are against me on this one. As for your physical pain, I hope you get some much needed relief soon! That sounds painful.

      Good luck with your LT goal!

    2. Mae Powers Avatar

      Good luck with it, you can do it, just take needed breaks so your body parts won’t swell, and your eyes won’t bug out.

  21. Ieva Avatar

    Zero. I’ll have to make up in this weekend (1600+ to reach my weekly goal shouldn’t be impossible. I hope).

    1. Roo Avatar

      Not impossible. I was under, under, under, and then 5x the regular word count in one day (yesterday). I think it’s like warming up your car.

      (Now if I could only get the WC to be on the project that urgently needs finishing as oppose to the new assignment I just got … *sigh* :-D)

      1. Ieva Avatar

        You’re right, not impossible. I did that yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Greg Avatar

    572 words, though the MC in this scene seems to be trying to make the most of his time in the spotlight so I’m going to have to usher him off stage when I resume on Monday!

  23. Minze Avatar

    482 words. Fun: faint to moderate. But at least it was there. I’m writing every day for ten minutes, and the last two or three days were tiresome, probably because I wrote sensible stuff that had to be in the story. Next week I’ll go where the fun is, the tension, the outrageousness, the zing and sizzle and swoosh.

    Interesting side-effect of writing for ten minutes every day: my word count has gone up. I started with 320-380 words per day, and it’s gone up to 420-500. If that holds up, I might finish my novel sooner than I expected. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Patricia Babbitt Avatar
    Patricia Babbitt

    Official word count is 525 for tonight. I wrote a scene for chapter 5. Is there a rule of thumb or pinkie for number of scenes per chapter? I’ve wondered that for some time and would like to know.

    Final degree of fun for this chapter is blissful, child-like awe, and Mona Lisa smile. Main character is entering fantasy world as romance is blossoming in the real world.

  25. Jamie D. Avatar

    I wasn’t going to write tonight, but read the comments after mine in last night’s post, and decided I could do just 250 wds to keep the momentum going. So I started writing – and got 272 words…which left me feeling most accomplished.

    As for my degree of fun – I’m working on a scene where my heroine desperately wants out of a blind date she’s on so she can go watch her fantasy man on TV. Hair in soup + salt on the lasagna + sweetener in the water glass = a date who is basically being tortured. More fun than I really should be having, to be honest. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Tori Avatar

    Still no words. I’m getting a little behind on my lessons, but still plan to start this project by next month. I’m not going to let this beat me! I will meet my goals! It’s just hard sticking with one idea when so many are floating around in my head and I want to write all of them. Maybe part of the problem is I haven’t found the story I desperatly need to write yet? Or maybe I’m just stalling? I don’t know. I’m just frustrated with myself. But at least my Muse is actually talking now.

  27. Patricia Babbitt Avatar
    Patricia Babbitt

    I am writing right now. It’s chapter 5, and I’m having an amazing time with it. Playing with words and just letting it happen. I know where I want to go with this so it’s really fun to focus on the language and the twists and turns. I wrote a series of plot summaries for each chapter earlier, and that has helped me enormously. It takes the pressure off and lets me focus more on style. Okay, back to it. Will post my word count when done with this chapter.

  28. Jessica Avatar

    Only 160. Got so bogged down at work, then had 3hrs of cleaning the house and was so drained by the end of it… I typed up what I had and left it at that. Closed the scene with an interesting twist, and I’m looking forward to the next one, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

  29. Leah Avatar

    So I’m finally catching up on everything here. I got the 250 in yesterday/Friday your time. (Sorry, being in Japan can make some time deadlines a bit tough.) Hoping for more today. Cannot wait to see what happens today.

  30. Brent B. Avatar
    Brent B.

    1074 words. better late than never.

    A slow start for me.
    wrote a few crummy sentences. killed them.
    wrote a few more crummy sentences. killed them.

    At last, more than a half hour late, my MC finally decided to show her sorry butt up and help me out. Fictional people, gahd! They just think they can show up whenever they damned well feel like it, cussing and griping about being there. But no worries, by next scene’s end, I get some payback. And then she’s really going to want to hide from me.

  31. Charlene Teglia Avatar

    Revising. Degree of fun; it’s time for a change. Because if my next book isn’t fun, if it doesn’t utterly thrill me, I’d rather find something else to do. (Hey, after 22 novel and novella sales, I’m entitled to want something different.)

    1. Beckie Avatar

      Hi Charlie! Fun to cyber see you!

  32. Kevin Jackson Avatar
    Kevin Jackson

    I wrote 848 words, for a grand total of . . . 848. It feels good to get the first words down. That’s always the first hump for me, so the next little while should come fairly easily.

  33. Jim Mitchel Avatar

    I finished chapter six. Wooo-whoo!

    Iโ€™ll spend the weekend getting ready to write the long, and action packed, chapter seven.

    Word count for today: 400

  34. Rob Avatar

    Normally I would take today off, but I wanted to make up for some of the time I missed rethinking my plot. 1556 words tonight, which is way more than I thought I’d get. Finished off a scene I wasn’t going to write, but decided to go ahead. Not sure how I feel about it. Introduced a new character who is on the quirky side, but maybe a bit too quirky. Or not the right kind of quirky. Who cares? I wrote, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Clare K. R. Miller Avatar

    557 words today. Degree of having fun, huh? Pretty high… not enormously high (because it’s not a scene of immediate danger) but I put in some ducks and a cute pair of servants!

  36. Emily Avatar

    After I finished some revisions, I mostly read. A lot. It’s research ๐Ÿ™‚
    A very successful day, I’d say.

  37. Nancy Avatar

    1151 for the day. And six new plot cards to replace the boring ones that had no life on them or which had to be replaced because the road veered a little to the left. Yippee!

    We are so happy we do the dance of joy! Opa!

    1. Dawn K. Avatar
      Dawn K.

      Congrats on the chocolate injection success! I still need a turkey baster but at least now I know how it’s done. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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