(copied from comments because I think it may get buried in there)
If you’re in the UK, I’m thinking you’ll be able to find (or at least order locally and without a lot of hassle) copies of MIDNIGHT RAIN.
MIDNIGHT RAIN is published by Onyx, a subsidiary of Penguin, to which I granted US rights, Canadian Rights, print-publish-sell rights in Australia, British West Indies, Burma, Egypt, Fiji, Ghana, Iraq, Irish Republic, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Namibia, New Zealand (including Ross), Nigeria and the Cameroons, Sierra Leone, South African Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
I can’t tell if it will be printed locally in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and the UK (all of which have their own Penguin divisions), or if all copies are printed in the US and then shipped. HOWEVER …
With 175,000 copies printed, even if they’re all shipping from here, some of those copies should have gone to some of these places already — and if they aren’t there, they should be in the system for simple ordering through your local bookstore if you live in one of these areas.
I also granted world licensing rights in all languages other than English, though to my best knowledge, we have not sold any of those yet.